Monday, March 31, 2014

HIMYM Series Finale: Not Legendary

Image Credit:

I've written before about the tv show, How I Met Your Mother.  Tonight was the series finale and I even attended a little party with like minded friends to watch it.  (I promise I won't give anything away!)  I haven't been one to speculate as to how the series was going to end.  I've just been going with the flow this season and accepting each episode as it aired.  Tonight was no different and I must say, I'm distraught.

Yes, I'm distraught.  I didn't like the ending.  I really didn't like the ending.  There many were heartfelt moments throughout the last episode.  Yet, I still didn't like how the show ended.  I am not accepting the ending and I am disappointed.  Without giving away too much, my disappointment stems from my belief that the characters have changed significantly and would've likely continued on the routes they were on, so much so that the ending could've never happened.  It all sounds confusing, but if you watched the series finale, I believe you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about.  I know I will get over it, but tonight, I am not happy.

Did you watch the series finale of How I Met Your Mother?  What did you think of the ending?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Just a Reminder

Lately, I've been busy with work and more work.  In addition to the stress of work, I've also been working on some issues related to my sucky personal life.  Dealing with these lingering personal issues have left me angry, bitter, and unforgiving.  Then tonight, I discovered that I had written on the same topic several months before in a gratitude journal.  

Of course, when I wrote about my sucky personal life several months ago, I was in a much happier state and things in my life haven't changed for the worse.  Yet, by seeing my little handwritten paragraph in my gratitude journal, I am put back on the right track.  I realized I need to stop being angry, bitter, and unforgiving.  I am reminded that several months ago, I told myself that regardless of the direction my personal life was heading towards, I would be grateful.  Today, grateful I am not.  Grateful is what I should be.  Grateful is what I will be.

It's so easy for me to get caught up in my emotions.  I'm so glad to have a little reminder to jerk me back onto the right path.

Have you been unhappy about something only to be reminded that you should be happy or grateful?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


[Taken December 28, 2013.]

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: INDEPENDENT

I have never heard this song before, but my co-worker thought this song, INDEPENDENT, by Webbie, featuring Lil Phat and Lil Boosie, describes my independent spirit.  Of course not all of the lyrics to INDEPENDENT are applicable to me (really, it's not all applicable).  My co-worker felt the song best captures my "hard core" independent spirit a lot better than another song, which she thinks is too sugary and pop.

This song gave me a good laugh.  I don't even understand all the lingo that's used in the song.  Yet, I do love some of the lyrics (e.g. "She cook, she clean, never smell like onion rings.").  Plus, it's fun to spell out I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T in the hook.  Please go to this page for the lyrics.  (I suggest listening to the song while reading the lyrics, even though I don't think all the lyrics are correct.)

Have you heard of this song before?  What do you think of the song?  For those who know me, does the spirit of the song aptly describe my independence?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Easy Meditation Mantra

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.

How simple is it to repeat those four lines over and over and over, and actually mean it?  Apparently, this simple mantra comes from a Hawaiian practice called Ho'oponopono

I've been trying to meditate throughout last year.  I've been good about it and I've also been negligent about it.  I credit meditation in helping me find my path when I felt the most lost and restoring my heart when it was the most broken.  I read up on a lot of mediation techniques and mediation mantras.  Usually, I find a quiet place to sit comfortably (you can lie down to meditate too) and place my arms by my side.  I like to close my eyes when meditating, and slowly breathe in and out of my nose.  I try to clear my mind as much as possible during the meditation and set an intent to meditate for a certain amount of time.

I very very recently came across the Ho'oponopono mantra and found it very useful.  Once I'm in my meditation position, I take several breaths to loosen up my body.  I then I focus on a person or something that I am asking forgiveness for.  Next, I silently repeat in my mind, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you."

Tonight, I really felt the urge to meditate and found this mantra so helpful.  I will keep practicing this mantra.  I often find meditation so hard because I have a hard time keeping my mind quiet (which really is the goal of meditation -  quieting the mind).  Yet, I have found that continued practice of meditation does help with my emotional well being and clarity of thought.

I hope that you do try this meditation mantra.  If you do , please let me know.  Please also go read more about this mantra at these following websites:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring

Isn't this morning sky beautiful?
Today is the first day of spring and it was such a great day.  Snow is predicted for tomorrow, but that forecast didn't even faze me.  As I walked to work, the beautiful fluffy clouds and morning light really created a happy sensation inside of me.

The Cowles Conservatory, which is a part of the Walker Art Museum.
The weather got even better and alhough I didn't get a chance to go outside during my lunch, I did get in a quick walk after work.  I also made a trip to the Walker Art Museum and looked at several exhibits.  It was really inspiring to be surrounded by art.  A part of me felt really satisfied.
I had to chop down a tree to make my own chop sticks (j/k, I was rubbing the loose wood particles off my chop sticks).
Then off to the Social House, which is a sushi/Japanese influenced restaurant.  The food was really good and their happy hour was wonderful.  If I ever have any friends visit me, I'll take them to the Social House's happy hour.  Yummy!

So far, I've had a good first day of spring.  Can't wait to see what else spring has to offer.  How was your first day of spring?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Use Me

I was looking for this song by Miguel and accidently came across his song "Use Me."  It's such a sensual song.  What I find interesting is how much desire is expressed in the song, but also an equally expressed admittance of vulnerability.  Plus, how many other songs have used the word "salacious" in its lyrics?  So far, I think this is one of the better songs to come out of his album, Kaleidoscope Dream

Let me know what you think of this song.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Kintsugi Heart

Image credit:
I came across several articles about the Japanese art of kintsugi, in which broken pottery is taken and mended with lacquer and gold.  The mending of the pottery is supposed to be so fine that one can't even feel the gold seams, although it's visually apparent.  The finished pottery becomes even more valuable and desirable because it had gone through injury and recovered.

Not surprising, kintsugi has been used metaphorically to describe the human experience, especially broken lives and broken hearts.  I can really relate to having a kintsugi heart and I love the visual image of a heart, with golden lines zigzagging all over it.  For myself, I imagine my heart covered with tiny fissures and broad and thick lines, mended and held together with golden light.  Right now, my kintsugi heart is mending some minor cracks, but it's well on its way to recovery.  I know it will be even more beautiful than the last time I saw it.

How do you imagine your kintsugi heart?  How is your kintsugi heart doing?

You can also read more about kintsugi at this webpage:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Monster Dash 2014, Here I Come

I know that this is premature, but spring is coming.  I shouldn't be too quick to expect such nice days, but I can't help it.  The weather has been wonderful the last several days and the snow is beginning to melt.

Today was no exception, so I took advantage of the weather to run outside.  I've been slowly nursing my hip in order to run long distance again.  My goal is to at least run the 10 mile race for this year's Monster Dash.   I already know what I'm going to dress up as for this year's Monster Dash (I've known since Halloween 2013).  I'm so excited.  I really am.  Of course, I need to not let my excitement ruin my road to hip recovery.  I can do this.  I can do this.  Monster Dash 2014, I'm coming back stronger than ever!

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?  Is there any event you're looking forward to?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Sing Loud

Today I'd like to share Alpha Rev's song, "Sing Loud." The song is about confronting a failing relationship, but through the confrontation, one will feel freedom again.  I find the music very soothing and I love the lyrics.  Each time I listen to the song, my mind comes up with vivid pictures and images to go with the colorful lyrics (e.g. "violet clouds," "find shelter from the blame").

Let me know what you think of this song.  If you want to read more about Alpha Rev, please go to this link:

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Yesterday was a perfect winter day.  The sun was out doing its thing, there was no or very very little wind, and the temperature climbed to at least 40 degrees F.  It was really beautiful.  So, on such a great day, I went snowboarding.

It was the first time in my life that I snowboarded.  I didn't have an instructor, other than my friends telling me and showing me what to do.  I not only learned how to strap on my snowboard, but also to "walk" with one foot strapped onto the board, and how ride a ski lift.  It really was a learning experience and I picked up as quickly as possible.

So how did I do?  I wasn't too bad for a beginner, although if I ever go back, I will stay on the bunny hill for a very long time before moving on to a more intermediate hill.  I had a lot of fun, but I hit my head several times (thank goodness I rented a helmet) and I fell A LOT on my backside.  I don't have much cushioning on my back side, so at some point, I had to stop because my tailbone was in such pain.  

Today, I'm feeling the effects of all my falls (my neck and tailbone are in a lot of pain).  I wouldn't mind snowboarding again, but not until all of my bruising and tenderness have disappeared.  My body's so tired but I have chores to do.  I guess I'll just have to move slowly.

Hope you're having a wonderful day.  Have you ever snowboarded?

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Koj Tso Kuv Mus

My Friend and I have been one another's security blanket for the last ten years, even when we had other people in our lives.  Even though we've been keeping our distance from each other for some time, we've still maintained a friendship.  Last night, I just realized that he wasn't only my security blanket, but also my safety net.  My safety net is now gone.

Today, I'm feeling empty and very sad.  I don't know if loneliness even comes close to describing my mood.  Outside, the gray skies have been chased away by the sun, shining so bright despite the frigid temperature.  Yet, even the beautiful sunlight can't lighten my mood.  I'm just feeling so out of it.  So very much.

I hope you're having a better day than me.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

So Much Snow

Last weekend, so much snow fell that my neighbor plowed our driveway and I ended up with all the snow on my property.  No big deal.  Really.  I'm so happy that he was willing to plow our driveway.  Since then, the weather has continued to stay in the negative, very rarely getting beyond 15 degrees F.  

With so much snow, it would be awesome to use it to build a fort or even a quasi-igloo.  Yet, with the temperature being so cold, it's too painful to be outside for such a long time, let alone playing with snow.  (I am not a true Minnesotan, and I don't care.)  Grrrrr . . . I guess I'm going to have to wait for warmer temperatures or just wait for the snow to melt.

Would you brave the freezing temperatures to turn this pile of snow into something "fun?"