Saturday, March 1, 2014

So Much Snow

Last weekend, so much snow fell that my neighbor plowed our driveway and I ended up with all the snow on my property.  No big deal.  Really.  I'm so happy that he was willing to plow our driveway.  Since then, the weather has continued to stay in the negative, very rarely getting beyond 15 degrees F.  

With so much snow, it would be awesome to use it to build a fort or even a quasi-igloo.  Yet, with the temperature being so cold, it's too painful to be outside for such a long time, let alone playing with snow.  (I am not a true Minnesotan, and I don't care.)  Grrrrr . . . I guess I'm going to have to wait for warmer temperatures or just wait for the snow to melt.

Would you brave the freezing temperatures to turn this pile of snow into something "fun?"


Anonymous said...

I would!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, too bad you're not here to help my nephew make a fort. He would really appreciate your help.