Sunday, March 2, 2014

Koj Tso Kuv Mus

My Friend and I have been one another's security blanket for the last ten years, even when we had other people in our lives.  Even though we've been keeping our distance from each other for some time, we've still maintained a friendship.  Last night, I just realized that he wasn't only my security blanket, but also my safety net.  My safety net is now gone.

Today, I'm feeling empty and very sad.  I don't know if loneliness even comes close to describing my mood.  Outside, the gray skies have been chased away by the sun, shining so bright despite the frigid temperature.  Yet, even the beautiful sunlight can't lighten my mood.  I'm just feeling so out of it.  So very much.

I hope you're having a better day than me.


Anonymous said...

Sorry hear of your sadness. :(

Anonymous said...

Honestly my friend it was long gone a while back ago? I thought you had learn from your past? But you continue to believe and hope that their was still something there? IMO, if someone truly wanted to be with you they would have committed them self to you by now. Instead they string you along giving you hope until they found someone else. I too felt like that, when my partner could not decide whether to be with me or the other person. At the end, they choose the other person. I've told you to start fresh and never look back but you wanted to see if something was still there. That guy or those guys doesn't deserve you even if you have a long history with them! Find someone who will give you the world!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, my issues with my Friend solely lies in me, not him. I'm sorry that your partner chose someone else and not you. Yet, you must admit that you are happier now, are you not?