Sunday, March 9, 2014


Yesterday was a perfect winter day.  The sun was out doing its thing, there was no or very very little wind, and the temperature climbed to at least 40 degrees F.  It was really beautiful.  So, on such a great day, I went snowboarding.

It was the first time in my life that I snowboarded.  I didn't have an instructor, other than my friends telling me and showing me what to do.  I not only learned how to strap on my snowboard, but also to "walk" with one foot strapped onto the board, and how ride a ski lift.  It really was a learning experience and I picked up as quickly as possible.

So how did I do?  I wasn't too bad for a beginner, although if I ever go back, I will stay on the bunny hill for a very long time before moving on to a more intermediate hill.  I had a lot of fun, but I hit my head several times (thank goodness I rented a helmet) and I fell A LOT on my backside.  I don't have much cushioning on my back side, so at some point, I had to stop because my tailbone was in such pain.  

Today, I'm feeling the effects of all my falls (my neck and tailbone are in a lot of pain).  I wouldn't mind snowboarding again, but not until all of my bruising and tenderness have disappeared.  My body's so tired but I have chores to do.  I guess I'll just have to move slowly.

Hope you're having a wonderful day.  Have you ever snowboarded?

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