Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Ghost

Several interesting songs have come out of Katy Perry's Prism album (of the three that she's officially released so far, I'm loving this song the most).  Yet, it's this song, "Ghost," that I wanted to share.

I've mentioned before that I've been rediscovering myself and really appreciating my life.  In do so, I'm reflecting back on all the people that have come in and out of my life.  Sometimes, I can't even believe that certain people were a part of my life. Did our relationship ever exist?  Was I really in love with that person?  Was I really that heart broken?  Now, it feels as if that person's just a ghost, not able to hurt me anymore (although, Hmong ghosts can be a bit scary and are harder to forget).  Funny how time really does erase a lot.

I think the lyrics are a bit catchy.  Let me know what you think of this song.  Does this song bring up images of any ghosts from your past? 


Unknown said...

I like this song too...time does heal the pain and the memories as well. Funny how certain parts of our lives seem like it was in another life time...and those who have left us are now ghosts. -ML Jr.

My Favorite Things said...

ML Jr., I agree with you. In looking back, there are moments where it does feel like I lived in a different lifetime. Sometimes, I wonder if it was even my life at all. Funny how things turn out.