Monday, March 31, 2014

HIMYM Series Finale: Not Legendary

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I've written before about the tv show, How I Met Your Mother.  Tonight was the series finale and I even attended a little party with like minded friends to watch it.  (I promise I won't give anything away!)  I haven't been one to speculate as to how the series was going to end.  I've just been going with the flow this season and accepting each episode as it aired.  Tonight was no different and I must say, I'm distraught.

Yes, I'm distraught.  I didn't like the ending.  I really didn't like the ending.  There many were heartfelt moments throughout the last episode.  Yet, I still didn't like how the show ended.  I am not accepting the ending and I am disappointed.  Without giving away too much, my disappointment stems from my belief that the characters have changed significantly and would've likely continued on the routes they were on, so much so that the ending could've never happened.  It all sounds confusing, but if you watched the series finale, I believe you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about.  I know I will get over it, but tonight, I am not happy.

Did you watch the series finale of How I Met Your Mother?  What did you think of the ending?

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