Sunday, March 30, 2014

Just a Reminder

Lately, I've been busy with work and more work.  In addition to the stress of work, I've also been working on some issues related to my sucky personal life.  Dealing with these lingering personal issues have left me angry, bitter, and unforgiving.  Then tonight, I discovered that I had written on the same topic several months before in a gratitude journal.  

Of course, when I wrote about my sucky personal life several months ago, I was in a much happier state and things in my life haven't changed for the worse.  Yet, by seeing my little handwritten paragraph in my gratitude journal, I am put back on the right track.  I realized I need to stop being angry, bitter, and unforgiving.  I am reminded that several months ago, I told myself that regardless of the direction my personal life was heading towards, I would be grateful.  Today, grateful I am not.  Grateful is what I should be.  Grateful is what I will be.

It's so easy for me to get caught up in my emotions.  I'm so glad to have a little reminder to jerk me back onto the right path.

Have you been unhappy about something only to be reminded that you should be happy or grateful?

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