Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring

Isn't this morning sky beautiful?
Today is the first day of spring and it was such a great day.  Snow is predicted for tomorrow, but that forecast didn't even faze me.  As I walked to work, the beautiful fluffy clouds and morning light really created a happy sensation inside of me.

The Cowles Conservatory, which is a part of the Walker Art Museum.
The weather got even better and alhough I didn't get a chance to go outside during my lunch, I did get in a quick walk after work.  I also made a trip to the Walker Art Museum and looked at several exhibits.  It was really inspiring to be surrounded by art.  A part of me felt really satisfied.
I had to chop down a tree to make my own chop sticks (j/k, I was rubbing the loose wood particles off my chop sticks).
Then off to the Social House, which is a sushi/Japanese influenced restaurant.  The food was really good and their happy hour was wonderful.  If I ever have any friends visit me, I'll take them to the Social House's happy hour.  Yummy!

So far, I've had a good first day of spring.  Can't wait to see what else spring has to offer.  How was your first day of spring?

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