Thursday, September 27, 2012

Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Every Thursday, from mid-spring to mid-autumn, downtown Minneapolis "hosts" a farmer's market.  Although not all the vendors sell "home grown" things, there are a lot of vendors that do sell home grown fruits, vegetables, honey, pastry, cheese, flowers, and so much more.
The farmer's market does so much to bring much life and vibrancy to the thoroughfare.  I can attest that during those Thursdays, the number of people walking outside on the street is doubled, if not tripled, as compared to all the other days of the week.
Lately, I've been cutting back on my purchases because of my lack in funds.  Yet, I love walking around and looking at the wonderful wares for sale.  
Do you have a favorite farmer's market that you like going to?

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall

 Today is the first day of fall, and I have to say, THANK GOODNESS.  It has been a very long summer this year, or at least a very long "Minnesota" summer.  The long summer has allowed me to get lots of tomatoes and lots of peppers, which I'm so thankful for.  Despite knowing that winter is right around the corner (and I'm really not looking forward to winter), I'm feeling pooped out and ready for a long rest.
Of course, I'm excited to see the fall colors.  I hope that this year I will make it in time to see the wonderful colors near my home.

How was your summer?  Are sad or happy that summer has ended?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday's Quote: Zhuangzi

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."---Zhuangzi

My take from this quote is that one achieves happiness by being happy with what one has.  It's so easy to say, but so hard to follow.

I've learned to be humble and to appreciate what I have in my life.  Of course, recognizing that I ought to be happy for what I already have is a totally different thing.  Seriously, who doesn't want more or something "better?"  Yet, I am working on it.  

I meet many different people who have lives that are totally different from mine.  I see the hardships that many have gone through and still have yet to go through.  I try to already have an appreciation for what I have in my life, but once in a while, after having met certain people whose lives are so much harder than mine, I am forced to admit that I am not truly appreciating what I already have in my life (seriously, sometimes life isn't all that bad).

I hope you are happy with what you have.  So, how do you interpret this quote?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Half of Me, or All of Me in Different Pieces

I came across this blog posting today and it made me think about my other half.  The general gist of her blog posting is that she has one half of her that is responsible, but is learning to focus and build her other half that is "passionate, creative, spontaneous."  Rather than referring to it as my "other half," I would refer to it as "identity."  

Okay, so this may be a bit confusing, but I think that people possess many different identities that in turn make one big identity.  (Okay, so labeling it as "identity" may not be the best term, but it works for me.)  So I have a part of me, an identity, that is responsible, tough, and like being a regulator.  Lately, I've been feeling so disconnected from my other identity, the one that is free and hopeful.  Maybe it's me getting older and more cynical, but I think back to my younger years and recognize how hopeful I was.  I want to reconnect with that identity again.  I really miss that identity.

What about you?  How is your "other half" or your other "identities?"

You can read the blog posting I referred to at the following webpage:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday's Quote: William Whewell

"Every failure is a step to success."---William Whewell

As of late, I have really been trying to turn every failure I have into a learning lesson.  The way I see it, if I failed, I must learn/take something from my failure so that I am one step closer to success.  Of course, it helps to have an idea (or even better, a clearly defined picture) of what success is.  Yet, I am one who believes in gut instincts and listening to my "feelings."  I hope that when I am successful, I will know.  Hopefully, one of my siblings or friends will let me know of my success.

Do you see every failure as a step towards success?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

County Fair

[Taken July 22, 2012.]

Monday, September 10, 2012

Amber Sky

About a year and a half ago, I was going through a major change in my personal life (and my personal life really sucked).  I was really unhappy for many reasons and I was to blame for my own unhappiness.  Yet, despite me being the cause of my own unhappiness, I couldn't figure out how to get myself out of my situation.

Then I came across the song Amber Sky by Samantha James.  The music was really soothing, but it was the lyrics that really spoke to me.  The lyrics really helped me to find a starting point to figure out what it was I was looking for and how I was going to get beyond my unhappiness.

Now, I'm feeling a bit better about my life, but I still feel as if there's much more soul searching to do.  I still listen to this song because I find it inspiring.  I hope this song may be useful to you too, even if it's just for your listening pleasure.

Please check out the song Amber Sky by Samantha James:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fairy Gardening

Photo: Joel Koyama, Star Tribune, September 5, 2012
I first read about fairy gardening from a blog several years ago.  Generally, fairy gardening is where one creates a miniature garden space (may it be in a little box or in a space set aside in the outdoors) for little gardeners to imagine and create a special world.  Of course, one doesn't have to have a fairy in the garden, but it would be nice.  I think fairy gardening is a wonderful way to get little ones to learn about and get interested in gardening.
Photo: Nancy DuBrule-Clemente, Shoreline Times, August 17, 2012
The thought of fairy gardening has been percolating in the back of my head and I've been wanting to start one.  I really wish my sisters lived closer so that I can share the joys of fairy gardening with my nieces and nephews.  At the very least, I wish I could create a little fairy world with my youngest sister, since I think she might be into this kind of stuff.
Photo: Joel Koyama, Star Tribune, September 5, 2012
Are you interested in fairy gardens?  Do you already have a fairy garden?

An article from the Star Tribune:; for the pictures:

Another article about fairy gardening:

For more stories about fairy gardening (you can also search the blog with the word "fairy"):

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Leif Erickson Park and Rose Garden

This summer I made a trip to Duluth, Minnesota.  Even though I've been to Duluth before, it was the first time I visited the Leif Erickson Park and Rose Garden.  I have to say, I love that rose garden.  I've been to many other rose gardens that may be considered bigger, more well known, and/or probably considered more fabulous; yet, there is just something special about this rose garden that was quite enchanting and very charming.  That rose garden will be one on my list of my "all time favorite garden spaces."
The park and garden overlooks Lake Superior and offers a spectacular view.  When I was there, it was a bit cloudy, but it was perfect weather for photographing the flowers and the view.  I would've been happy to meander around, or just sit and be content with the surroundings.  Not surprising, there were many brides, with photographers in tow, floating throughout the park and rose garden.
I would love to go back again, just like I would love to go back to that garden space in Chicago (see my blog posting dated October 8, 2011).  I really loved the atmosphere of that rose garden.

Do you have a favorite garden space?  If you have a list of "all time favorite garden spaces," what places are on your list?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Wall Art

I have a lot of artwork (I use the term "artwork" very loosely here to include paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, etc.).  I really love all forms of art.  Thus, I'm finally putting up on my wall, some of the art that I've found and/or collected.  There's so much more to put up too (I actually have to create a wooden frame to stretch a huge painting I purchased).  So much of the work is in laying out and framing the artwork.  Yet, once it's done, I just need to find a spot for the artwork to shine.

Do you have a lot of artwork in your home? How do you define artwork?