Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm Lost, But I'll Find My Home


Anonymous said...

Is that your duckie? Or did some kid lose it? Great picture tho. G

My Favorite Things said...

It's definitely not my duckie. Some kid may have lost it. Just thought I would take a picture of the little forlorn thing, alone and without its owner.

Anonymous said...

Please don't relate this picture to yourself neng. It makes me sad that you are far away and feel that way. I am sorry we cannot be there for you in times of hardship and be of any emotional support. But remember you have a big family and we will always love no matter how much you scream at us. We understand. That's just the way you talk. Jus wanted to let you know we all miss you a lot and will never forgive what you have given us and the family.

Mein Vue

Anonymous said...

We will never forget what you did for us.

Lol. Stupid auto correct on this iPad sucks. Lol

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, I'm surprised that you're so perceptive. Despite two siblings living with me, I am feeling lost. Thank you for your kind words because they made me cry a little bit. I miss my family a lot too, but I feel that I need to move onto the next phase of my life and really find my "home," where ever that may be. Thank you brother.

Unknown said...

Even tho we disagree on many things, you are not lost sister. You've just taken a detour. You've always know where your home is and have always been the strongest sibling. Don't worry, when you are done visiting and detouring, you will GO home (not FIND home).

Anonymous said...

I have a home for you! Big

Unknown said...

Who's the last post from? Who's that? And where is your home? Just curious. :)

Anonymous said...

Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. ~Robert Frost

Who: my name is Big
Where: No where to be found.

My Favorite Things said...

Big, you sure are causing a lot of commotion on this blog. Why are you called Big?