Thursday, September 6, 2012

Leif Erickson Park and Rose Garden

This summer I made a trip to Duluth, Minnesota.  Even though I've been to Duluth before, it was the first time I visited the Leif Erickson Park and Rose Garden.  I have to say, I love that rose garden.  I've been to many other rose gardens that may be considered bigger, more well known, and/or probably considered more fabulous; yet, there is just something special about this rose garden that was quite enchanting and very charming.  That rose garden will be one on my list of my "all time favorite garden spaces."
The park and garden overlooks Lake Superior and offers a spectacular view.  When I was there, it was a bit cloudy, but it was perfect weather for photographing the flowers and the view.  I would've been happy to meander around, or just sit and be content with the surroundings.  Not surprising, there were many brides, with photographers in tow, floating throughout the park and rose garden.
I would love to go back again, just like I would love to go back to that garden space in Chicago (see my blog posting dated October 8, 2011).  I really loved the atmosphere of that rose garden.

Do you have a favorite garden space?  If you have a list of "all time favorite garden spaces," what places are on your list?


Anonymous said...

WOW! such a beautiful place to have a wedding and the place seem so peaceful with great views of the harbor. CG

My Favorite Things said...

CG, that rose garden was very beautiful. I loved the feeling it gave me and how I felt in it. I was very enamored by that rose garden, so I hope to make another trip back next year.

Anonymous said...

I loved my moms garden when it used to be there. When she had the time to take of it but yeah. People used to tell me how nice my house looked because of her little garden. I couldnt realize it til later Reminds me of how well she took care of me. I miss my mom so much. I'm never home when she is. And when I get home from work. She's sleeping. I miss my mom so much. I feel like ive moved out. Seeing these flowers remind me of when she pulled over on the freeway to pull out some seeds on the freeway. Then grew them in our front yard. Thanks neng for sharing such wonderful pictures.

Mein Vue

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, it sounds to me like you need to tell Mom (and Dad) that you love her. Why don't you guys make time with Mom (and Dad) and go to dinner together?

Anonymous said...

Ive been trying to. But our schedules are so different and weird it's hard to do it.

Anonymous said...

I took mom n dad to get lunch today. Hopefully they liked it. I ordered them sushi, calamari, teriyaki chicken, n some fish. Hopefully they liked it.

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, I'm happy that you're trying to make time with them. I know they will appreciate the fact that you are taking them out to eat. I know mom loves that, especially if you take her to a good Thai restaurant.

Unknown said...

Mein, yes, take our parents out to a nice Thai place. They are physically aging quicker than their real age.

I love rose gardens and do miss how mom and dad once worshiped and were enamoured with the flowers in the yard.
