Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fairy Gardening

Photo: Joel Koyama, Star Tribune, September 5, 2012
I first read about fairy gardening from a blog several years ago.  Generally, fairy gardening is where one creates a miniature garden space (may it be in a little box or in a space set aside in the outdoors) for little gardeners to imagine and create a special world.  Of course, one doesn't have to have a fairy in the garden, but it would be nice.  I think fairy gardening is a wonderful way to get little ones to learn about and get interested in gardening.
Photo: Nancy DuBrule-Clemente, Shoreline Times, August 17, 2012
The thought of fairy gardening has been percolating in the back of my head and I've been wanting to start one.  I really wish my sisters lived closer so that I can share the joys of fairy gardening with my nieces and nephews.  At the very least, I wish I could create a little fairy world with my youngest sister, since I think she might be into this kind of stuff.
Photo: Joel Koyama, Star Tribune, September 5, 2012
Are you interested in fairy gardens?  Do you already have a fairy garden?

An article from the Star Tribune:; for the pictures:

Another article about fairy gardening:

For more stories about fairy gardening (you can also search the blog with the word "fairy"):


Anonymous said...

You should put yoda in your fairy garden. How awesome is that.

Anonymous said...


My Favorite Things said...

Lol! Maybe I will create a fairy garden especially for Yoda. Thanks for the idea, Mein.

Unknown said...

After 33 years, I'm starting to love gardening however I suck at it. Everything I plant dies or turns brown eventually. I still haven't given up. I would love a fairy garden to share with my boys esp when my boys are young.


My Favorite Things said...

Kia, next time I'm in town, we can try and start something for your kids. I think it would be fun.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it would be to share with young ones and to get them interesting in garden. Thanks for the idea! CG