Monday, September 10, 2012

Amber Sky

About a year and a half ago, I was going through a major change in my personal life (and my personal life really sucked).  I was really unhappy for many reasons and I was to blame for my own unhappiness.  Yet, despite me being the cause of my own unhappiness, I couldn't figure out how to get myself out of my situation.

Then I came across the song Amber Sky by Samantha James.  The music was really soothing, but it was the lyrics that really spoke to me.  The lyrics really helped me to find a starting point to figure out what it was I was looking for and how I was going to get beyond my unhappiness.

Now, I'm feeling a bit better about my life, but I still feel as if there's much more soul searching to do.  I still listen to this song because I find it inspiring.  I hope this song may be useful to you too, even if it's just for your listening pleasure.

Please check out the song Amber Sky by Samantha James:


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your two brothers are keeping you company.


My Favorite Things said...

Mein, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I really should spend more time with them.

Anonymous said...

By looking at your photo, the sky does look brighter and your future is looking good! Keep your chin up. CG