Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall

 Today is the first day of fall, and I have to say, THANK GOODNESS.  It has been a very long summer this year, or at least a very long "Minnesota" summer.  The long summer has allowed me to get lots of tomatoes and lots of peppers, which I'm so thankful for.  Despite knowing that winter is right around the corner (and I'm really not looking forward to winter), I'm feeling pooped out and ready for a long rest.
Of course, I'm excited to see the fall colors.  I hope that this year I will make it in time to see the wonderful colors near my home.

How was your summer?  Are sad or happy that summer has ended?


Anonymous said...

My summer was awesome! I was hoping summer would last a little bit longer. Why, because our summer weather is not as hot and humidity as MN. GQ

My Favorite Things said...

GQ, I'm so glad to hear that your summer was awesome. What was your summer weather like?

Anonymous said...

My summer weather was cool with lots of sun rays. Not to hot but every enjoyable for picnics and summer fun. GQ