Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday's Quote: Zhuangzi

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness."---Zhuangzi

My take from this quote is that one achieves happiness by being happy with what one has.  It's so easy to say, but so hard to follow.

I've learned to be humble and to appreciate what I have in my life.  Of course, recognizing that I ought to be happy for what I already have is a totally different thing.  Seriously, who doesn't want more or something "better?"  Yet, I am working on it.  

I meet many different people who have lives that are totally different from mine.  I see the hardships that many have gone through and still have yet to go through.  I try to already have an appreciation for what I have in my life, but once in a while, after having met certain people whose lives are so much harder than mine, I am forced to admit that I am not truly appreciating what I already have in my life (seriously, sometimes life isn't all that bad).

I hope you are happy with what you have.  So, how do you interpret this quote?


Anonymous said...

Sometime when you don't have happiness then it will drive someone to search for it. But it appears you are very happy with your life for the most part. I hope you are happy with your life? SS

My Favorite Things said...

SS, I am trying to be happy with my life. You are right with respect to one trying to find happiness when one lacks it in her life. I guess I just need to determine what will make me happy. I will say that I have been unhappy for some time, but I now need to find what will make me happy. How about you, are you happy in your life?

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy with my life. One must love themselves before they can love others. I like this quote: "when you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." - peace pilgrim quote. SS

Unknown said...

Some pursue happiness, others make happiness. :P