Thursday, September 20, 2012

Half of Me, or All of Me in Different Pieces

I came across this blog posting today and it made me think about my other half.  The general gist of her blog posting is that she has one half of her that is responsible, but is learning to focus and build her other half that is "passionate, creative, spontaneous."  Rather than referring to it as my "other half," I would refer to it as "identity."  

Okay, so this may be a bit confusing, but I think that people possess many different identities that in turn make one big identity.  (Okay, so labeling it as "identity" may not be the best term, but it works for me.)  So I have a part of me, an identity, that is responsible, tough, and like being a regulator.  Lately, I've been feeling so disconnected from my other identity, the one that is free and hopeful.  Maybe it's me getting older and more cynical, but I think back to my younger years and recognize how hopeful I was.  I want to reconnect with that identity again.  I really miss that identity.

What about you?  How is your "other half" or your other "identities?"

You can read the blog posting I referred to at the following webpage:


Anonymous said...

The article was a nice short read. I for sometime forgot about my other half too. Its been nice to renew with my other half. This past year has been the best ever yet. I hope many new adventures and getting to revitalize who I am (identity). Thanks for sharing. Billy Bob

Anonymous said...

I want the whole of you in one piece! CG

My Favorite Things said...

Billy Bob, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the article. I hope you revitalize yourself and have many more great years to come.

CG, are you sure you really want all of me? You don't even know me. ;p

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I can get to know? CG

My Favorite Things said...

CG, I think you can get to know me through my blog. How about that? :)