Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday's Quote: William Whewell

"Every failure is a step to success."---William Whewell

As of late, I have really been trying to turn every failure I have into a learning lesson.  The way I see it, if I failed, I must learn/take something from my failure so that I am one step closer to success.  Of course, it helps to have an idea (or even better, a clearly defined picture) of what success is.  Yet, I am one who believes in gut instincts and listening to my "feelings."  I hope that when I am successful, I will know.  Hopefully, one of my siblings or friends will let me know of my success.

Do you see every failure as a step towards success?


Unknown said...

You can't succeed if you don't fail. Of course sister, you are and have always been an inspiration to me; to be better person, and to work harder, and that is just ONLY one of your successes.

Anonymous said...

I fail, but I try not to. I have failed but has gotten back up. But the level of failure isn't as high at times. Sometimes, there's a lot more at stake. So when there is a lot at stake. I will do my best to not fail. And Neng, how have you failed? I am this awesome because of YOU, n Kia, n Teng, n Kao, n Lee Jay, n Zer, n Tue Ker, n Mone, n Moua Jeng. N especially Mom n Dad. If I was your failure, I'm sorry. But you have never failed in my eyes.


Anonymous said...

So much LOVE from here! I don't really know you but from the sound of it you have so much love and you have been a inspiration to all us! CG

Unknown said...

Mein, you continue to inspire all of us everyday. We can't always make everyone happy. :)

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, if I haven't already told you this, I am very proud of you. I am actually very proud of all of my siblings, even the ones that aren't as "successful." I try to find something in each of my siblings to love and to be proud of. Of course, we probably need to express our love and pride for one another to each other, but that's a different topic for a different day.

Unknown said...

Yes, I too am proud of you all...but that don't mean I don't still want to slap the SHIT out of you all!