Thursday, September 27, 2012

Minneapolis Farmer's Market

Every Thursday, from mid-spring to mid-autumn, downtown Minneapolis "hosts" a farmer's market.  Although not all the vendors sell "home grown" things, there are a lot of vendors that do sell home grown fruits, vegetables, honey, pastry, cheese, flowers, and so much more.
The farmer's market does so much to bring much life and vibrancy to the thoroughfare.  I can attest that during those Thursdays, the number of people walking outside on the street is doubled, if not tripled, as compared to all the other days of the week.
Lately, I've been cutting back on my purchases because of my lack in funds.  Yet, I love walking around and looking at the wonderful wares for sale.  
Do you have a favorite farmer's market that you like going to?


Anonymous said...

Those veggie and fruits looks so good. We have a farmers market down town too, but I usually don't go because I have fresh veggies from my garden. Beside I don't eat that much fruits like I should. Bigs

My Favorite Things said...

Bigs, it's great to hear that you have a garden too and have access to fresh vegetables. I think that's the best way to go about eating: eating what you grow.

Unknown said...

I LOVE farmers markets, outdoor markets, flea markets! It bring me a sense of nostalgic originality. BTW, the prices don't look too bad for the veggies & fruits up there.