Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apple Picking


Anonymous said...

Eat the, before they get old.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, my apples are yummy. I thought that they might be too ripe, but they're just perfect. I am trying to eat as many as possible, but I'm going to have to find other uses for them too.

Anonymous said...

Is that all you picked or is more that is not shown in the picture. WOW, you can make apple sauce, apple filling, apple juice and etc... What are you planning to do with your apples? IS

Unknown said...

Is this from a tree in your yard? Wow...if so...the tree has matured. Wish CF and PP could enjoy this now in their young days.

My Favorite Things said...

Kia, these apples are from one of the two trees from my yard. I wasn't able to reach those that were at the top of the tree, which meant that a lot of apples were left on the tree. Each bowl contains about 5 lbs of apples. The apples are really tasty, but a bit wormy (that's what you get when you grow organic).

Unknown said...

Girl, you better get a broom and start swinging at the apples at the top. Don't let any go to waste!