Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday's Quote: Peter Drucker

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."---Peter Drucker 

I know I've written about how much I love my parents and I may have mentioned words of "thanks" to my parents in this blog.  Yet, I don't think I've ever really thanked them.  Even though I know that my parents may not ever read this, I send this message to my parents with all of my heart and all of my love.  I thank my parents for predicting a better future by creating it.

I know that when they fled their country and crossed over to live in a refugee camp, they did it because they wanted to live and survive.  Several years later, while still in the refugee camp, but with two to three infants, they tried their best, within the limited confines of the refugee camp, to have a better future by creating opportunities just to survive.  For example, my mother would embroider or grow vegetables, and my father would leave the refugee camp without permission to hunt.  With what they made, grew, or caught, they would sell to get some money.  They in turn would use the money to buy fortified powdered milk for my sisters and me.

Even coming to the US, they continued to believe in a better future and despite the limitations that may have been put on them, they continued to create a better world for themselves and their children.  For example, they ensured that all of their children had shelter, food, and love.  I can't imagine all that they have been through and I know that they have faced so many struggles.  At the same time, I hope that my younger siblings realize how much work my parents have done in order to create their present day reality.

I love my parents.  I am thankful and grateful that they had a vision for something bigger and better, and for all that they created so that I could have the life I've had.

How have you created the future that you predicted?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How I Met Your Mother Sadness

Picture credit:

The television show How I Met Your Mother ("HIMYM") is causing me a little sadness.  This is the show's last season and the "mother" has finally been revealed.  I'm happy that Ted, the main character, has found his love but I'm personally sad that the mother isn't the mother that I want to be the mother.  I don't mean to confuse you, really I don't.

You see, my former beau got me into HIMYM and it's been a great adventure so far.  I've recommended this show to several other people and they've become loyal fans of this show (yes, you're welcome people . . . just kidding).  This season is the show's last season and the first episode aired earlier this Monday.  However, in last season's last episode, they finally showed who the "mother" was.  This season's first episode only further confirmed that she is truly the "mother" in HIMYM.  Since watching this show, I've been hoping that one of Ted's former loves would become the "mother."  Despite last season's last episode, I was still holding on.  Now, my hopes are dashed.  I'm sad.  I really am sad.

Oh well . . . I will continue to tune in and see how this all folds out.  Are you a fan of HIMYM?  Who were you hoping would be the "mother" and Ted's ultimate love?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The First Leaves of Fall

[Taken September 24, 2013.]

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Before and After: My Spare Room

I have a spare room in my home that my brothers once occupied.  One brother used it then left.  Then another used it and left.  After my last brother left, he left the room in shambles.  Not only did I have to clean up after him (there was so much trash), but I had to figure what to do with the things that couldn't easily be thrown away (e.g. the bed and the fishes).

The "before" pictures of the spare room, as how my brother left it for me.
I've already chronicled what I did with the fishes.  As for the bed, rather than remove and replace it, I opted to just leave it in that room and allow my guests to use it.  I made some cosmetic changes to the room (e.g. changed the drapes, changed the lamp, and changed the bedding, moved the fish tank out, added a picture of two).  Yet, I really think it was just good ole elbow grease and throwing away trash that made a big difference.

The "after" pictures of the spare room.
Overall, I'm happy with how the room looks right now, although I would love to add some colors to the wall.  The room still feels as if it's missing something, but for the time being, I'm happy with it.  What do you think I should add to it or what color I should paint the room?

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Be Inspirational, Be Yourself

My younger sister called me today and asked if I could help her daughter with an essay about our youngest sister.  Apparently, my niece finds her aunt, our youngest sister, very inspirational.  I don't know why, but I forget that sometimes we as individuals can be inspirational to another without trying. 

The journey to the next stage of life can be rife with struggles.  I didn't get to where I was without hardship and the place I'm inhibiting in this world was created through sheer determination and luck.  Sometimes, I can be so self-absorbed in my little world that I forget the  "mundane" things in my life may represent something bigger and make such a huge impact to another person.  That's the thing, I'm where I'm at in my life because I wanted to be here.  I believe that I could get here.  I continued to forge forward, despite the hiccups.  I forget that not everyone has that mindset.  And it's very humbling to be reminded that my struggles and the place I'm inhibiting, is one that can inspire simply because I represent a possibility to another.  I forget about that.

So, to all of those that have inspired me to be a better person, thank you.  For my siblings and my parents, thank you for all that you have done.  For everyone else, be yourself and be inspirational.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday's Quote: Euripides

"Prosperity is full of friends."---Euripides


I wasn't too sure as to how to interpret this quote.  The cynic in me thought this quote meant that when one is prosperous, suddenly one is surrounded by "friends" that come out of the woodwork.  The optimist in me thought this quote meant that when one is prosperous, one is not only surrounded by her friends, but new opportunities are created for friendship through prosperity.

Even now, I'm not sure as to how to interpret this quote.  What do you think?  How would you interpret this quote to mean?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Letting Go

As human beings, I think one of the hardest thing to do after a bad break up is to force one's self to continue to stew in one's misery and think through one's heart.  So many are apt to let go of bad relationships and just not think about it.  Others continue to push the broken relationship down, down, down, until he thinks that it's no longer there and try to ignore that the relationship ever existed.  For myself, I have a hard time letting go because I have to really process the relationship first and once I'm done processing, I can let it go.

I admit that I had to let go of a broken relationship and afterwards, I didn't really think about the relationship.  I thought I did, but I didn't.  When I finally did confront my broken relationship and all that had happened during it, unfortunately, I had let too much time pass and wasted too much of another person's time.  For that I am very sorry.  Yet, I eventually did work through my issues with that broken relationship and I have not only asked for forgiveness from my former beau, but I've also learned to forgive myself.  From my point of view, I'm glad that my former beau is still alive so that I can apologize to him directly and have an open conversation with him about our broken relationship.  

I also realize that sometimes, there isn't that open of a communication line (not with just my former beaus but also with others), so I set an intent and send a prayer to the the universe and hope that my message gets to the right person.  Not all of my processing takes a long time, although, there have been a few that just took too long.  Regardless, once I let go, I let go.

How do you let go?  Do you eventually forgive the other person and yourself?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Quote: E. Stanley Jones

"Our actions are the results of our intentions and intelligence."---E. Stanley Jones


I don't think I have a high emotional intelligence.  I look back at the actions in my love life and I do recognize that my actions didn't occur without an intention.  Of course, it's a different matter when my actions end up being something else from what I intended, but that's a different musing best saved for a different day.

Anyhow, I recognize that I acted with intent (consciously or subconsciously), but I don't think I acted wisely due to my low emotional intelligence.  I know that I sometimes acted on rash emotions and I acted, even when I was emotionally divided.  At other times, I should've acted, but failed to.  Oh well, these are the lessons one finds out the hard way.

Lately, I've been sending out vibes to the universe to correct my love life.  This is done with intent and I hope, with some degree of a sensible emotional intelligence so that I'm not all confused and muddling up what it is I'm looking for.

Are your actions the results of your intentions and intelligence?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Glass Globes

[Taken September 2, 2013.]

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Street Fighter: 25 Years

Picture credit:
 If you don't know what Street Fighter is, then you've missed out on a lot.  Yet, it's never too late and there's still time.  Street Fighter is a video game that came out in 1987.  I have no idea what incarnation it's in right now, but it's still around.  I love Street Fighter!  I played the game and am a big fan of the game, but I'm an even bigger fan of the art and the storytelling.

I came across this video on YouTube:

WOW, did this video ever bring back memories from my own life.  As I was watching the video, I was taken back to Fresno, CA and remember watching my cousin Chao and my brother Kao playing the game at some store.  I remember being in college and waiting around for my beau to take his turn to challenge the reigning player at the arcade (players would just line up their quarters on the arcade and wait their turn).  I remember playing the game at home with my siblings, which was never quiet, but full of shouting, screaming, and taunting (all done in the name of love).
Ryu Picture credit:
My favorite Street Fighter character is Ryu.  I loved his back story and he is super cute.  Anyhow, check out the video if you have time, even for the first fifteen minutes.  Does the video take you back to a more innocent time?  What is your favorite Street Fighter memory?  Do you have a favorite Street Fighter character?

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rebel in Disguise

How am I not already a rebel?  Growing up, I was a "goody two-shoes."  I listened to my mother, I looked after my younger siblings, and I tried to set a "good" example by always doing what was considered proper.  I studied hard, earned good grades, worked hard to support myself, and tried my very best to stay out of debt.  I guess you could say I was the picture of a "good girl."

I've always enjoyed my freedom and choosing the nontraditional path, yet the path had to be "safe" and somewhat "structured."  With age, I'm beginning to enjoy different things and opening myself up to new adventures.  For example, when I was younger, I didn't like motorcycling because I was very concerned for my safety.  Now, I can boast that I've ridden a motorcycle (as a passenger) three times and enjoyed the experience immensely. I can actually imagine myself going on road trips and maybe even traveling across the U.S. as a passenger on a motorcycle.  I find motorcycling really carefree.  Who would've thought, right?  What I think is really funny is that after my two former beaus each ended his respective relationship with me, they each went and got their motorcycle license and a motorcycle.

I might even consider getting my own motorcycle license, but for the time being I enjoy being a passenger.  So, what's next in becoming a full blown rebel, a tattoo?  LOL.  Anyhow, are you a rebel in disguise?  Do you own a motorcycle and enjoy riding?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Atomic Ranch

Mid century modern design/style was all the rage several seasons ago because of the television show Mad Men.  I don't exactly know how I became interested in the mid century modern design, but I don't think it was due to Mad Men.  Anyhow, I've been interested in this design because it looks modern, the lines are clean, and it can be quirky.  I'm not always in love with everything mid century modern, but overall I'm pretty smitten with it.
According to an article in Wikipedia (, "mid century modern" is defined as,
an architectural, interior and product design form that generally describes mid-20th century developments in modern design, architecture, and urban development from roughly 1933 to 1965.
So, I've come across this magazine called Atomic Ranch, which focuses on mid century homes and products.  I love Atomic Ranch!  I wish someone would give to me a lifetime subscription to Atomic Ranch as a gift (for the time being, please don't bother because I currently have a subscription).  I love looking at the pictures of the homes and all things mid century modern.  If you have time, want ideas or are looking to redecorate your home, check out Atomic Ranch at
Are you a fan of the mid century modern design/style? 
If you're interested in another article about a mid century modern home renovation, check out this website:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Sights From the Great MN Fair

Try your luck at winning free fresh french fries (try saying that 3 times in a row).

Homemade vegetable racers.

Getting ready for the real racers.
The Giant Slide.
 [Taken at the Minnesota State Fair, September 2, 2013.]

Monday, September 2, 2013

What Happened in November 1999?

I've been cleaning.  And I mean, CLEANING.  I'm expecting a guest or two soon and I'm tickled pink to have them visit me.  With their impending visit on my mind, I'm trying to make the interior of my home look less than a pigsty.  Now the exterior of my house and my garages, those are different concerns for a different day.  

In the midst of my cleaning and purging, I'm so surprised to come across some old journal entries from 1999.  Not surprising, the journal entries aren't complete, but record some events that were relevant to me at the time.  I'm now wishing that I was better at chronicling the event that had caused me so much pain in November 1999.  All I know is that it concerned something between me and my college beau.  I have a memory of me writing the journal entries, but I guess the actual event must have not been that important because I would've remembered it (funny how I don't remember the event but I remember the act of writing).  I guess the act of writing and the purging of my emotions were more important to me.

Oh well, it was interesting to read my old journal entries.  It really didn't elicit any emotions out of me but it did make me curious.  Anyhow, I should get back to cleaning.  Have a wonderful Labor Day.

Did you come upon something that made you remember an event?  Did that something elicit any emotions out of you?