Monday, September 2, 2013

What Happened in November 1999?

I've been cleaning.  And I mean, CLEANING.  I'm expecting a guest or two soon and I'm tickled pink to have them visit me.  With their impending visit on my mind, I'm trying to make the interior of my home look less than a pigsty.  Now the exterior of my house and my garages, those are different concerns for a different day.  

In the midst of my cleaning and purging, I'm so surprised to come across some old journal entries from 1999.  Not surprising, the journal entries aren't complete, but record some events that were relevant to me at the time.  I'm now wishing that I was better at chronicling the event that had caused me so much pain in November 1999.  All I know is that it concerned something between me and my college beau.  I have a memory of me writing the journal entries, but I guess the actual event must have not been that important because I would've remembered it (funny how I don't remember the event but I remember the act of writing).  I guess the act of writing and the purging of my emotions were more important to me.

Oh well, it was interesting to read my old journal entries.  It really didn't elicit any emotions out of me but it did make me curious.  Anyhow, I should get back to cleaning.  Have a wonderful Labor Day.

Did you come upon something that made you remember an event?  Did that something elicit any emotions out of you?

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