Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Quote: E. Stanley Jones

"Our actions are the results of our intentions and intelligence."---E. Stanley Jones


I don't think I have a high emotional intelligence.  I look back at the actions in my love life and I do recognize that my actions didn't occur without an intention.  Of course, it's a different matter when my actions end up being something else from what I intended, but that's a different musing best saved for a different day.

Anyhow, I recognize that I acted with intent (consciously or subconsciously), but I don't think I acted wisely due to my low emotional intelligence.  I know that I sometimes acted on rash emotions and I acted, even when I was emotionally divided.  At other times, I should've acted, but failed to.  Oh well, these are the lessons one finds out the hard way.

Lately, I've been sending out vibes to the universe to correct my love life.  This is done with intent and I hope, with some degree of a sensible emotional intelligence so that I'm not all confused and muddling up what it is I'm looking for.

Are your actions the results of your intentions and intelligence?

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