Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday's Quote: Peter Drucker

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."---Peter Drucker 

I know I've written about how much I love my parents and I may have mentioned words of "thanks" to my parents in this blog.  Yet, I don't think I've ever really thanked them.  Even though I know that my parents may not ever read this, I send this message to my parents with all of my heart and all of my love.  I thank my parents for predicting a better future by creating it.

I know that when they fled their country and crossed over to live in a refugee camp, they did it because they wanted to live and survive.  Several years later, while still in the refugee camp, but with two to three infants, they tried their best, within the limited confines of the refugee camp, to have a better future by creating opportunities just to survive.  For example, my mother would embroider or grow vegetables, and my father would leave the refugee camp without permission to hunt.  With what they made, grew, or caught, they would sell to get some money.  They in turn would use the money to buy fortified powdered milk for my sisters and me.

Even coming to the US, they continued to believe in a better future and despite the limitations that may have been put on them, they continued to create a better world for themselves and their children.  For example, they ensured that all of their children had shelter, food, and love.  I can't imagine all that they have been through and I know that they have faced so many struggles.  At the same time, I hope that my younger siblings realize how much work my parents have done in order to create their present day reality.

I love my parents.  I am thankful and grateful that they had a vision for something bigger and better, and for all that they created so that I could have the life I've had.

How have you created the future that you predicted?

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