Sunday, September 22, 2013

Be Inspirational, Be Yourself

My younger sister called me today and asked if I could help her daughter with an essay about our youngest sister.  Apparently, my niece finds her aunt, our youngest sister, very inspirational.  I don't know why, but I forget that sometimes we as individuals can be inspirational to another without trying. 

The journey to the next stage of life can be rife with struggles.  I didn't get to where I was without hardship and the place I'm inhibiting in this world was created through sheer determination and luck.  Sometimes, I can be so self-absorbed in my little world that I forget the  "mundane" things in my life may represent something bigger and make such a huge impact to another person.  That's the thing, I'm where I'm at in my life because I wanted to be here.  I believe that I could get here.  I continued to forge forward, despite the hiccups.  I forget that not everyone has that mindset.  And it's very humbling to be reminded that my struggles and the place I'm inhibiting, is one that can inspire simply because I represent a possibility to another.  I forget about that.

So, to all of those that have inspired me to be a better person, thank you.  For my siblings and my parents, thank you for all that you have done.  For everyone else, be yourself and be inspirational.

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