Monday, September 9, 2013

Rebel in Disguise

How am I not already a rebel?  Growing up, I was a "goody two-shoes."  I listened to my mother, I looked after my younger siblings, and I tried to set a "good" example by always doing what was considered proper.  I studied hard, earned good grades, worked hard to support myself, and tried my very best to stay out of debt.  I guess you could say I was the picture of a "good girl."

I've always enjoyed my freedom and choosing the nontraditional path, yet the path had to be "safe" and somewhat "structured."  With age, I'm beginning to enjoy different things and opening myself up to new adventures.  For example, when I was younger, I didn't like motorcycling because I was very concerned for my safety.  Now, I can boast that I've ridden a motorcycle (as a passenger) three times and enjoyed the experience immensely. I can actually imagine myself going on road trips and maybe even traveling across the U.S. as a passenger on a motorcycle.  I find motorcycling really carefree.  Who would've thought, right?  What I think is really funny is that after my two former beaus each ended his respective relationship with me, they each went and got their motorcycle license and a motorcycle.

I might even consider getting my own motorcycle license, but for the time being I enjoy being a passenger.  So, what's next in becoming a full blown rebel, a tattoo?  LOL.  Anyhow, are you a rebel in disguise?  Do you own a motorcycle and enjoy riding?

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