Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sunny and Cold

Today was a bright sunny day, but still cold.  The temperature's been in the teens and 20's during the last several weeks.  There hasn't been much snow this month and I'm a little afraid that we might be hit with at least one major snowstorm before May.  I'd rather have snow in January and February than March or April because I'm already looking forward to spring when March comes around.

Anyhow, this afternoon I took advantage of the sun and got in a run.  I was so happy to be running outdoors and listening to some new music (which I'll blog about this coming Tuesday).  There were some fierce winds and it was harsh to my face, but on my way back home, it wasn't too bad.  I don't mind running on the treadmill, but if I had to choose the treadmill or outdoors, I'd choose outdoors. For myself, I'd prefer to not stay static and be a part of my surroundings (even if that means running on the side of the road and hoping a car won't hit me).

I hope your day is going well.  I know most people are prepping for tomorrow's Super Bowl.  Still, I hope you got a chance to enjoy the outdoors.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Goldfish Flannel

I was running some errands this morning at my local big box store and came across this flannel fabric.  I was smitten with the print and considering the value price, I couldn't pass it up.  So, I purchased what was left, which was only a little more than four yards.  I hope to make a queen size blanket for myself with this fabric (I also hope it doesn't take me ten years to finish it).  

I usually don't buy flannel fabrics and this is a first for me because I often I only purchase 100% cotton fabrics.  With the harsh winters and cold nights, I've been thinking of expanding into other types of fabrics when creating blankets.  So far, this fabric is so soft and I can imagine it keeping me warm through the night.  If I ever get this blanket finished, I'll definitely let you know. Yes, it's another project that now needs to be checked off my "to do" list.

What do you think of this flannel fabric?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday's Quote: T.F. Hodge

"What surrounds us is what is within us."---T.F. Hodge

My work wall had been blank for a very long time.  It wasn't until last year that I finally decided to hang pictures of things I photographed during my travels (may it be down the street or in a different state).  By printing my own pictures, I can change out the pictures in my room when I feel like it.

Each time I look at one of my pictures, I am reminded of the trip I took, who I was with, or how the composition of the picture came about.  Rather than just let my pictures sit as a JPEG in a flash drive or a computer, I thought it would serve a better purpose hung on my wall and being enjoyed.  The pictures I've chosen to display are really reflective of me and help create a peaceful mood.  What surronds me really does come from within me.

Does your surrounding come from within you? 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Quilted Project

I love homemade quilts.  The scrappier (quilts made from scrap pieces of fabric), the better.  I actually have two handmade quilts from my Friend, whose me-maw (grandmother) had sewn and made from scraps of fabric.  Each of her quilts are barely big enough to cover a full size bed, but are still in good shape and can still help keep a person warm.  I really love the quilt pictured above.  I don't know why, but I love how all the colors come together.

Well, I have lots of quilting projects still in process (with the intent of becoming a blanket).  Today, I decided to finally just figure out how many more blocks I needed in order to finish one of my darn blankets. I've been making a quilt using nine-patch blocks.  I'm embarrassed to say that this project is probably ten years old.  Over the years, I'd work on one block at a time and only if I felt like it.  Today, I finally got tired of wondering how many blocks were needed so that I could finish the darn blanket and laid it all out all the squares I had.  I originally intended for the blanket to be queen-size, but given the time I have not devoted to it, I'm happy with the blanket being a full-size.  Anyhow, I'm half way there.  I actually got some more blocks done today and just want this project finished.  Of course, I'll keep you updated.

Are you working on any lingering projects?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


[Lake Mille Lacs, MN.  Taken November 1, 2014.]

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Chili Oil

I love chili oil.  It wasn't a condiment that was found in my home growing up, yet I saw it often when I ate at pho restaurants (at least in California pho restaurants) and in most Chinese restaurants.  Several years ago, a good friend sent me some homemade chili oil and I was hooked.  Hers had little bits of garlic in it and it was one of the hottest chili oil I've ever had.  At the same time, it was so flavorful and GOOD.  Since then, I've been making my own chili oil at home.  

Homemade chili oil is really easy to make and the only ingredients needed are oil and dried pepper flakes.  Once made, both the solids and the oil are edible.  Definitely use an oil that can be heated at a high temperature and flavorless (e.g. peanut oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, canola).  I also recommend using a glass jar, preferably a canning jar, because it will withstand the heat from the oil.  I also recommend that when you pour the oil into the jar, make sure the jar's in the sink or there's a pan underneath the jar (in case if you spill hot oil).  

When I first started out, I used Andrea Nguyen's recipe, which can be found from this website.  Since then, I like having more chili and less oil, so I modified it a bit.  What I love about Ms. Nguyen's recipe is that it's so simple, straightforward, and easily modified based on one's personal preferences.

Chili Oil Recipe, adapted from Andrea Nguyen

-1/4 Cup of dried pepper flakes or coarsely ground chilies
-1/2 Cup of oil
-Jar that will hold 1/2 cups of oil (e.g. half pint jar)

1. Put chili flakes in a dry glass jar.
2. In a small saucepan, heat the oil to 325 to 350 degrees F.  If you drop a chili flake into the oil, the flake will gently sizzle.  (You don't want the oil hotter than 350 degrees because you'll burn the chili flakes).
3. Pour the oil into the jar.  The chili flakes will sizzle and swirl.
4. Cool completely and cover the jar tightly.  The oil can be used immediately, but it will taste better after several days.  The oil will keep in cupboard for a long time.

I love using this oil (and the chili solids) in my soups, to fry eggs, to dip my food into, and anything else that I feel needs a good oily kick.  Let me know if you try this recipe or if you also love chili oil.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Books of 2014

I thought I wasn't going to be able to meet my goal of reading and finishing twelve books in 2014.  I started out so sluggishly, which continued into the greater part of the year.  To be honest, I wasn't in a reading mood and rarely was able to find a book that could hold my interest.  I know there are LOTS of wonderful books, but it just wasn't the right time for me to discover those books.  

It wasn't until Labor Day that I finally started feeling like myself again.  I then started reading voraciously, especially in November and December. As the year came to an end,  I even surpassed my requisite twelve books by three additional books.  I'm so glad that I plowed my way through several books because I really came across several interesting stories.  With no further delays, I present the list of books I've read this year:

1.  The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian--Sherman Alexie
2.  A Vintage Affair--Isabel Wolff
3.  The Round House--Louise Erderich
4. The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry--Rachel Joyce
5. Crazy Rich Asians--Kevin Kwan
6. The Sugar Queen--Sarah Addison Allen
7.  Be a Writer--Jeff Gions
8. The Ghost Bride--Yangsze Choo
9. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry--Gabrielle Zevin
10.  The Frangipani Hotel--Violet Kupersmith
11. The Girl Who Chased the Moon--Sarah Addison Allen
12.  A Million Steps--Kurt Koontz
13.  Too Jewish--Patty Friedman
14.  The Perfume Collector--Kathleen Tessaro
15.  Lodestone--Wendy J. Scott

Most of the books I read this year were very well written.  If you only have time to read only one book, I highly recommend the The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo.  The story is so imaginative and engaging on so many levels.  The book is set in 1900s Malay (now known as Malyasia) where the main character is asked if she's willing to become the bride of a deceased young man.  The story is captivating and captures so many Chinese spiritual aspects that many Hmong continue to follow today.  It also has themes that reinforced some of the stories and sayings that my mother have told my siblings and me  while growing up (e.g. as handsome as a dragon).  I made my two sisters read this book and they both loved it.  I also gifted the book to my friend and she thorouhly enjoyed it. If you do get the chance to read this book, please let me know what you think.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday's Quote: Carl Bard

Image credit:
Yesterday, I was thinking over my 2014 word, "brave," and about all the times I was brave during that year.  Most importantly, I think I used much of 2014 to work through my MANY personal issues (with myself and with others).  It was not easy.  Yet, by forcing myself to be brave and confront many of my bad behaviors and limiting thoughts, I feel that I've set my self up to make brand new endings (so that I can attract new things into my life).

I'm finally letting go of emotions, situations, and people that are no longer good for me (just in time for a new year).  I try not to harbor ill will, but I'm also recognizing that sometimes things just have a way of sticking around.  It was hard work to admit all of my faults and own up to my mistakes.  I also found it so hard to forgive myself, to let go, and to make peace with certain parts of my past.  Yet, once I found inner peace, it was very liberating and I felt ready to move forward.

Making new endings shouldn't be hard.  It was only hard for me because I had too much clutter that needed cleaning.  I already feel as if I'm embarking on a new adventure in my life.

What brand new ending have you made?

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Adventure 2015

"The Humble Side of Happiness" by Tara Baden
Happy New Year!  

It's another year, another day, and another opportunity to set and accomplish a goal (of course, every day is another day to set and accomplish a goal).  I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year's Eve.  

With today being the first of the new year, I can't help but anticipate an explosion of good things to come in 2015.  I'm also sharing a painting by Tara Baden, entitled "The Humble Side of Happiness."  This painting makes me happy.  I love the colors and it really does feel like an explosion of happiness is about to occur in the painting.  I feel as if this is what's happening on the inside of me.

Last year, I explained that I am no longer making specific resolutions.  Instead, I'm choosing a word to guide me through the year.  Last year, I chose the word "brave."  In retrospect, I think I did well and was brave in many respects.  Of course, I could have done more to be braver, but overall, the word guided me through 2014 and I was brave.

This year, after some contemplation, I choose the word "adventure" to guide me.  In 2015, if the mood strikes me or if I'm wondering what path I should take, I'm going to measure my situation and ask myself, "Will I have an adventure?"  It can be good or bad (hopefully, it will always be good), but it has to be an adventure.  I'm going to define "adventure" as broadly as I can, and I'm just going to go with what feels good.  I don't know why, but I'm anticipating this new year very positively.  I really do hope to continue to live in the present and have lots of adventures.

I hope you're doing well, so far.  Have a wonderful day and let me know if you also decide to choose a word to guide you in 2015.  Keep living, laughing, and loving.