Thursday, January 1, 2015

Adventure 2015

"The Humble Side of Happiness" by Tara Baden
Happy New Year!  

It's another year, another day, and another opportunity to set and accomplish a goal (of course, every day is another day to set and accomplish a goal).  I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful New Year's Eve.  

With today being the first of the new year, I can't help but anticipate an explosion of good things to come in 2015.  I'm also sharing a painting by Tara Baden, entitled "The Humble Side of Happiness."  This painting makes me happy.  I love the colors and it really does feel like an explosion of happiness is about to occur in the painting.  I feel as if this is what's happening on the inside of me.

Last year, I explained that I am no longer making specific resolutions.  Instead, I'm choosing a word to guide me through the year.  Last year, I chose the word "brave."  In retrospect, I think I did well and was brave in many respects.  Of course, I could have done more to be braver, but overall, the word guided me through 2014 and I was brave.

This year, after some contemplation, I choose the word "adventure" to guide me.  In 2015, if the mood strikes me or if I'm wondering what path I should take, I'm going to measure my situation and ask myself, "Will I have an adventure?"  It can be good or bad (hopefully, it will always be good), but it has to be an adventure.  I'm going to define "adventure" as broadly as I can, and I'm just going to go with what feels good.  I don't know why, but I'm anticipating this new year very positively.  I really do hope to continue to live in the present and have lots of adventures.

I hope you're doing well, so far.  Have a wonderful day and let me know if you also decide to choose a word to guide you in 2015.  Keep living, laughing, and loving.

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