Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday's Quote: Carl Bard

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Yesterday, I was thinking over my 2014 word, "brave," and about all the times I was brave during that year.  Most importantly, I think I used much of 2014 to work through my MANY personal issues (with myself and with others).  It was not easy.  Yet, by forcing myself to be brave and confront many of my bad behaviors and limiting thoughts, I feel that I've set my self up to make brand new endings (so that I can attract new things into my life).

I'm finally letting go of emotions, situations, and people that are no longer good for me (just in time for a new year).  I try not to harbor ill will, but I'm also recognizing that sometimes things just have a way of sticking around.  It was hard work to admit all of my faults and own up to my mistakes.  I also found it so hard to forgive myself, to let go, and to make peace with certain parts of my past.  Yet, once I found inner peace, it was very liberating and I felt ready to move forward.

Making new endings shouldn't be hard.  It was only hard for me because I had too much clutter that needed cleaning.  I already feel as if I'm embarking on a new adventure in my life.

What brand new ending have you made?

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