Saturday, January 24, 2015

Goldfish Flannel

I was running some errands this morning at my local big box store and came across this flannel fabric.  I was smitten with the print and considering the value price, I couldn't pass it up.  So, I purchased what was left, which was only a little more than four yards.  I hope to make a queen size blanket for myself with this fabric (I also hope it doesn't take me ten years to finish it).  

I usually don't buy flannel fabrics and this is a first for me because I often I only purchase 100% cotton fabrics.  With the harsh winters and cold nights, I've been thinking of expanding into other types of fabrics when creating blankets.  So far, this fabric is so soft and I can imagine it keeping me warm through the night.  If I ever get this blanket finished, I'll definitely let you know. Yes, it's another project that now needs to be checked off my "to do" list.

What do you think of this flannel fabric?

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