Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday's Quote: T.F. Hodge

"What surrounds us is what is within us."---T.F. Hodge

My work wall had been blank for a very long time.  It wasn't until last year that I finally decided to hang pictures of things I photographed during my travels (may it be down the street or in a different state).  By printing my own pictures, I can change out the pictures in my room when I feel like it.

Each time I look at one of my pictures, I am reminded of the trip I took, who I was with, or how the composition of the picture came about.  Rather than just let my pictures sit as a JPEG in a flash drive or a computer, I thought it would serve a better purpose hung on my wall and being enjoyed.  The pictures I've chosen to display are really reflective of me and help create a peaceful mood.  What surronds me really does come from within me.

Does your surrounding come from within you? 

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