Saturday, May 31, 2014

Detoxification on Hold

I've been meaning to go on a 48 hour cleanse and detoxify my body.  What does that mean?  Well, basically I'd drink lots of water, herbal tea, and mainly eat very small portions of fruit.  I was suppose to start today, but this morning I was clearing out my garden and came across edible pea plants, radish tops, green onions, and young dill.  How could I say no to these tasty greens (I've been craving greens for the longest time).  I took these greens home and sauteed it, eating it with some brown rice.  It was a yummy meal!

The idea of starting my cleanse will have to be postponed.  Right now might just not be the right time for a cleanse because there's too much good coming from Mother Nature.  Maybe I'll do my body cleanse in the fall or winter.  Right now just doesn't seem like the right time to do a cleanse. 

What are you craving for and eating right now?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014


Last fall, I planted some tulips and most have finally come up and bloomed earlier this past week (it is a bit late, but it has been a very late spring).  I'm still waiting for the other tulips to pop up, but I'm also wondering if the animals have gotten to the bulbs during the fall or winter.  I believe I planted about close to fifty bulbs, but right now I'm only seeing a handful of tulips. 

Maybe this fall I'll plant even more and see what happens.  I will plant more bulbs, especially since I've gone through the planting process.  Last fall, I thought I had too many bulbs and worried that there wasn't enough room and may have been planted too close to one another.  Now, I'm seeing that there's a lot of room and the bulbs could be planted a lot closer.  I'm also thinking I should plant more because not only do I want to keep some in my yard but I'd love to snip a few to brighten up my home.  Now, it's just a matter of following through in the fall, when the days are a lot colder and the winds are harsher, and actually dig and plant.

I hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Plum Blossoms

This blossom may look like all of the cherry blossoms I've taken pictures of in the past, but it's not.  It's a plum blossom, and it's the first time it's made an appearance in my home.

I planted a Mount Royal Plum tree at my house about five years ago.  Each spring, I'd talk to my tree and ask if it was going to bear fruit, and each year I continued to wait.  This spring, this morning in fact, I finally saw a handful of blossoms on my tree.  I was so excited and felt that I had to document the moment.  I'm really hoping that this year, I'll be able to enjoy one or two plums.  I'm getting different information as to whether this plum tree needs a pollinator or not, so I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see.  I'm still excited to see my tree finally blooming.

Hope you're having a great day.  What's happening in your garden that's gotten you all excited?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spring Blooms

[Taken in Shoreview, MN on May 17, 2014.]

[Taken in Minneapolis, MN on May 18, 2014.]

[Taken in Minneapolis, MN on May 18, 2014.]

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Stay With Me

There's something in the way Sam Smith sings "Stay With Me" that resonates with me.   In the song, it's clear that he's not good with one night stands and the relationship isn't love.  What I wonder is if he's using or being used by the other person.  One interpretation of the lyrics is that he doesn't want to be with the other person but doesn't want to be by himself and is asking that person to stay.  The lyrics could also be interpreted as him knowing he's being used and doesn't care; thus, he may care deeply for this person (or more than the other person cares for him), and is asking the other person to stay because that person's physical presence is good enough for him.

What do you think?  How else could this song be interpreted?  Have you been in a relationship where it wasn't love, but clearly want the other person to stay?

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dandelion Greens

This year, I'm eating dandelion leaves (a.k.a. dandelion "greens").  The entire plant is edible, but right now I only have lots of leaves in my garden.  Not surprising, the Pilgrims brought this plant over from England to the US.  Yes, it may be a weed, but it's an edible weed and one of the first to sprout and be a source of food in late winter/early spring (especially important in really really cold regions).  It also has lots of vitamins like calcium and iron.

I don't spray my yard so I'm not worried about the leaves being covered in pesticides.  If you are going to eat dandelion greens, make sure it hasn't been sprayed or you can just grow your own by saving seeds and planting it.  It just took me a longer time to get the nerve to be okay with consuming it.  The leaves can be added to salads and eaten raw, although I'm eating mine in my ramen noodle soup.  If you boil the leaves with the water, the leaves won't be so bitter.  The taste of it reminds me of arugula and bitter greens.

Overall, I'm liking the dandelion greens in my soup.  I might go pick some more and see how well it tastes sauteed with a few shallots.

I hope you try some dandelion greens.  If you do, let me know what you think.

If you want to find out more about the nutritional value of dandelion greens, try this website:

If you want to learn more about eating dandelion greens and the plant itself, go here:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Here's Looking at You!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: La La La

When I first heard this song, "La La La" by Naughty Boy and featuring Sam Smith, I found so very annoying the continuous la la la la la la na na la la . . . (especially at the introduction).  Yet, once I understood the lyrics and how the "la la la" fit into the song, I was smitten with the song.

Really, have you not had to create your own noise, whether silently or out loud, to silence another person who won't give you peace?  Sometimes, that person may physically be preaching directly to you or what they've said may be stuck in your mind and you can't seem to shake it out of your head.  This is such a fun song to sing to.

Have you had to make up your own song to block someone from mentally disturbing you and in order to keep your sanity?  What do you think of this song?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Another Year, Another Garden

My three raised beds, needing lots of love and attention.  Do you see the spring onions in the middle bed?
I really don't know what's wrong with me.  I'm ready for winter to be over, but not for spring to begin.  I'm feeling so off and I don't know why.  This year, I even thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, I might forgo having a garden.  Of course, there was still a little spark inside of me telling me that I must start my garden or else I will regret not having one by summer's end.  So, today I went out and cleared my garden beds.
My first time growing cabbage seedlings.
It was definitely a tough job, like every other year.  The good thing is that I've done so much weed removal in previous years and the fallen leaves (which I don't rake up in the fall) does a great job smothering any potential weeds.  Today, I cleared out and added compost to three of my four raised beds and to several of my in ground garden beds.  I still have two more in ground beds and a raised bed to clear out, but at least I got half of my garden finished.

The "after" picture of my raised beds.  The garlic is coming along nicely.
Today, I planted two squash plants, two zucchini plants, cabbage seedlings, basil, cilantro, turnips, carrots, peas, lettuce, and potatoes.  I still have to plant my tomato plants, but I have to wait for a couple of days (I have a specific way as to how I plant my tomatoes and I'm still gathering everything for the planting of my tomatoes).  I need to go look for some pepper plants, but that will be all I intend to plant.  I'm really scaling back on what I'm planting this year.

How's your garden coming along?  Did winter throw you for a loop too and you're not ready for a spring garden?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring Rain

I'm hoping it's finally spring in MN, although it's never guaranteed until June.  Snow is still a possibility in May.  However, we've been getting some severe thunder storms and tornado warnings (signs of spring in MN).

I haven't started my garden and this year I'm not feeling like I'm behind at all.  I'm still not feeling like my usual self, but I also know that many Minnesotans are feeling discombobulated and are recovering from the harsh winter.  I'm a little happy about starting up my garden, but for some reason I'm not as excited as I've been in years past.  I blame it on the weather, although my lack of excitement could stem from other things too (e.g. other competing hobbies, personal issues, lack of energy).

I hope to be able to plant something into the ground this weekend, but I don't intend to plant too many seeds.  I think I'm just going to buy little plants from the store and see what happens.  I just need to wait out this spring rain.  I rather have this rain than snow.

Have you had any spring rain in your neck of the woods?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Aztec Dancer

[Taken May 4, 2014, in Minneapolis, MN.]

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Lub Shijawn

I'm not an avid listener of Hmong music.  For whatever reasons, I'm just not.  Lately, I've been trying to listen to different Hmong artists on YouTube.  The above song, "Lub Sijhawm," is sung by Kristine Xiong, is one of the few songs that have stuck out in my mind.

My best translation of the song's title is "This Moment."  I don't know if the song was written by Kristine Xiong or if it's just a cover.  I hope someone can let me know ( sister that loves Hmong music, give me a shout).  I really like the simple music and the song itself.  Generally, I like the lyrics, but the syntax is written from an American mindset and then changed into Hmong words/phrases.  Unlike, this song, the song "Lub Sihawm" doesn't have as nice of a flow, in which I find a teeny tiny bit distracting (that's just me).  Overall, I still like this song very much and the message is so romantic.

Please let me know what you think of this song.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy MayDay

Usually MayDay is celebrated on May 1st of each year.  For those of us in the northern hemisphere, it's a celebration of spring, and for all countries, other than the US, it's a celebration of Labor Day.  In Minneapolis today, there was a huge parade to celebrate May Day, which is brought by a puppet and theater company called In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Theatre.
This float contained fire, a mini ferris wheel, a b.b.q., and a little arboretum at the end.
It was quite windy and chilly this morning, but by the afternoon, it got quite warm.  Not only were there huge puppets and lots of people walking on stilts, there were also many political messages in many of the floats.  Some were crazy, some were simple, and they were all so unique.
A bee themed float with lots of puppets and bee related images.
I had a great time enjoying the moment with friends.  I wish I had family here to enjoy the parade with me (I know my youngest sister and my nieces and nephews would've loved it), but maybe another time.  I think I got too much sun because I was really worn out and tired.  By the time I got home, I took a nap.  (I also got in a phone call to my mom and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.)

I hope you had a great day too.

If you want to find out more information about May Day, please go to this website:

If you want to find out more about the Minneapolis May Day celebrations, please go to this website:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sisters in Texas

Known as the "Bayou," a paved trail curves and follows the canal.
 This past weekend I took a mini vacation and went to Texas.  My sisters and I gathered in Houston and enjoyed one another's company.  I wish I could've stayed longer (really, I wish I did).  Despite my short stay, I had a lot of fun and came back home more rested.

The Gulf of Mexico by Galveston, TX.
While in Texas, we mainly stayed close to Houston.  We exercised outside on the Bayou (the name of the local trail near my sister's home) and met my sister's friends.  During one of our outings, my sister took us to the City of Galveston, which apparently is an island.  We went to the beach and looked for "treasures" and then to a wine festival.  I ended up purchasing a painting, which I'm still trying to figure how to ship to MN.  We walked around Galveston's downtown and I even got a new haircut.  (I love my new hair style!)

My sister's treasures.

Lots of food and wine at the Galveston Wine Festival.
Every single day we ate crayfish, with the crayfish cooked/seasoned a different way each day.  One of my sisters didn't breathe while eating, afraid that breathing would mean less crayfish for her (LOL!).  We were also going to go to a national forest to hike (I would've loved it), but we didn't want to spend our time stuck in traffic (the traffic is BAD and their drivers are even worse).  So, we just spent our time watching a movie and season one of "The Real Husbands of Hollywood."
Crayfish, crawdads, or whatever you call them, we ate it every single day.
I was sad to leave, although it felt good to be home.  I left Texas's hot and humid weather and came home to weather that's cloudy, icy, windy, and cold.  I really enjoyed my time.  I love you sisters (all of my sisters) and thank you for loving me.

Have you been to Houston, TX?