Sunday, May 25, 2014

Plum Blossoms

This blossom may look like all of the cherry blossoms I've taken pictures of in the past, but it's not.  It's a plum blossom, and it's the first time it's made an appearance in my home.

I planted a Mount Royal Plum tree at my house about five years ago.  Each spring, I'd talk to my tree and ask if it was going to bear fruit, and each year I continued to wait.  This spring, this morning in fact, I finally saw a handful of blossoms on my tree.  I was so excited and felt that I had to document the moment.  I'm really hoping that this year, I'll be able to enjoy one or two plums.  I'm getting different information as to whether this plum tree needs a pollinator or not, so I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see.  I'm still excited to see my tree finally blooming.

Hope you're having a great day.  What's happening in your garden that's gotten you all excited?

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