Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy MayDay

Usually MayDay is celebrated on May 1st of each year.  For those of us in the northern hemisphere, it's a celebration of spring, and for all countries, other than the US, it's a celebration of Labor Day.  In Minneapolis today, there was a huge parade to celebrate May Day, which is brought by a puppet and theater company called In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Theatre.
This float contained fire, a mini ferris wheel, a b.b.q., and a little arboretum at the end.
It was quite windy and chilly this morning, but by the afternoon, it got quite warm.  Not only were there huge puppets and lots of people walking on stilts, there were also many political messages in many of the floats.  Some were crazy, some were simple, and they were all so unique.
A bee themed float with lots of puppets and bee related images.
I had a great time enjoying the moment with friends.  I wish I had family here to enjoy the parade with me (I know my youngest sister and my nieces and nephews would've loved it), but maybe another time.  I think I got too much sun because I was really worn out and tired.  By the time I got home, I took a nap.  (I also got in a phone call to my mom and wished her a Happy Mother's Day.)

I hope you had a great day too.

If you want to find out more information about May Day, please go to this website:

If you want to find out more about the Minneapolis May Day celebrations, please go to this website:


Anonymous said...

LOL. This MayDay looks like it was FUN however, that float with the fire and bbq, etc looks like they gonna have some problems. LOL

ML jr KV

My Favorite Things said...

It was really fun. I wish you and your boys were there with me. I ate and finished a HUGE mango on a stick with Mexican dried pepper. I ate cheese tamales. The parade was really fun and there were so many different kinds of bicycles. I know your kids would've gone CRAZY!