Monday, January 13, 2014

Mi Noog

When I first hear a song and it resonates with me, I generally know right away that it'll be on my playlist.  Sometimes, it takes a longer time for me to get into the song's vibe and appreciate the song for what it is.  For example, when Alica Keys' "Girl on Fire" came out, I couldn't stand it.  I changed the radio station whenever it came on and ignored the song as best as I could.  Then one morning, the song just popped into my head and since that time, it's become a favorite.  Maybe I finally appreciated the song at a time in my life when it most resonated with me.

So, while I was home last month, my siblings kept talking about this song, "Mi Noog," by Sudden Rush (I'm also sure this wasn't the first time they talked about this song).  The song came out years ago, but it's still a popular song and my siblings were comparing different covers of the song.  I, of course, heard them but didn't pay any attention to them, my silly siblings.  Then for some reason, tonight, I just had to listen to this song and to understand the lyrics.  The above cover by Mike Vang is my most favorite because I like his melody and he does the best job pronouncing the Hmong lyrics.

I hope you listen to it and let me know what you think of the song.  I hope that my sister will comment and share what she thinks is the best cover of this song.

If you want to hear the original song by Sudden Rush, along with the lyrics, go to this webpage:


My Favorite Things said...

My sister had some fighting words for me. Of course I don't agree. Check out her posting here:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of a bird I let go....

My Favorite Things said...

Really Anonymous? In the song, the singer hopes his bird will return to him. Are you hoping your bird will return to you?

My Favorite Things said...

As another response, my sister's decided to update her favorite cover of this song, Mi Noog. Check it out here:

It's not a bad cover. Once more, I think the fact that the band is Hmong Thai and can actually pronounce the Hmong words, make a great big difference and it makes the song a lot better.

Anonymous said...

LOL...Zer, if he MTT, then why he have an American name (Mike?)..LOL. He's alright. I think his voice adds a soft whispery affect that makes the song gentle and vulnerable.


My Favorite Things said...

ML JR, thanks for your comment and opinion about this song.