Thursday, May 8, 2014

Spring Rain

I'm hoping it's finally spring in MN, although it's never guaranteed until June.  Snow is still a possibility in May.  However, we've been getting some severe thunder storms and tornado warnings (signs of spring in MN).

I haven't started my garden and this year I'm not feeling like I'm behind at all.  I'm still not feeling like my usual self, but I also know that many Minnesotans are feeling discombobulated and are recovering from the harsh winter.  I'm a little happy about starting up my garden, but for some reason I'm not as excited as I've been in years past.  I blame it on the weather, although my lack of excitement could stem from other things too (e.g. other competing hobbies, personal issues, lack of energy).

I hope to be able to plant something into the ground this weekend, but I don't intend to plant too many seeds.  I think I'm just going to buy little plants from the store and see what happens.  I just need to wait out this spring rain.  I rather have this rain than snow.

Have you had any spring rain in your neck of the woods?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girlfriend!!! We are in a drought in Cali!

ML jr KV