Wednesday, February 29, 2012

This Morning

 [The overnight snow accumulated on top of my car's rear window.]

[It's a winter wonderland.  Taken in St. Paul, MN.]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Biggest Snowstorm This Winter?

Today's storm has been highly anticipated by many local meteorologists and Minnesotans since the middle of last week.  It has been touted as the biggest snowstorm to hit Minnesota this winter.  I even heard that certain parts were going to get at least sixteen inches of snow.  The storm was to start today and end by tomorrow afternoon.

Well, it started snowing early in the morning, tiny flurries barely covering the ground.  Then throughout the day it stopped, but continued snowing again.  When I left work late in the afternoon (the sun had already set by then), it was raining and sleeting.  My drive home was long and slow; yet, all I wanted to do was get home safe and sound.  Then as I got closer to home, the rain and sleet turned into big fluffy flakes coming down fast and furious.  I think at least a good inch of snow had already fallen by my home.

I'm hoping that the storm will have moved beyond my area tonight.  I'll let you all know tomorrow how things turn out.  Hope everyone has a safe and quiet night.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Day for Musing

I'm not in a blogging slump (thank goodness).  But I have been thinking about ways to post more substantive content on my blog.  With spring and summer right around the corner, I know I will be contributing more about my gardening adventures.  

Still, I was thinking about writing more non-gardening topics.  At the same time, one of the original intentions of this blog was for me to better my writing skills.  I have thought a lot about how I could do that and specifically write on random topics, with the hopes of being able to write and think on a whim.  So, I've been thinking of adding a day of musing to this blog.  As you can see, on the top right hand side of my blog, I have a quote of the day that changes on a daily basis.  Thus, I was thinking of using the quote of the day on Mondays (or whatever day I decide to institute this) as a basis for that day's blog topic.  I'm still trying to figure out what day may work best for me.  Like Wordless Wednesday, I may not always post, but I would try my best to post a musing on that day designated for musing.

Well, I'll think a little bit more about this.  I just need to consider what day of the week would work best so that I can fit in time to write on a consistent basis. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When Gas Was Cheap

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Cherry Trees

I have to admit that I did not watch this year's Super Bowl. I correctly anticipated that it would be one of the best, nail-biting, most exciting Super Bowl game that was ever to be played. Yet, I chose not to watch it. So what does the Super Bowl have to do with cherries?

Well, earlier in the month, a friend and I made a friendly wager on the Super Bowl game. Long story short, I picked the right team to win the Super Bowl and won myself $50. I finally took my friend's advice and bought myself something "fun" with my winnings. So today I bought myself a cherry tree. Two, to be exact. Nevermind the fact that the cost of both of these cherry trees exceeded my $50, although had I chosen to buy one tree or two less mature trees, the cost would have been under or close to the $50. Anyhow, I digress.

I can't wait to share my cherry trees with you. Sorry for the suspense, but once I get my trees, I'll let you know which type of cherry trees I purchased. Let's just say, I'm really hoping for the best, especially since I've been wanting a sweet cherry tree for my gardening zone for the longest time.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ten Lessons

I'm not much of a follower of professional basketball, but I know who Jeremy Lin is. Even if this kid is a "one-hit wonder," which I hope he's not, I don't really care. He's done so much in the last several weeks to make basketball exciting again and to remind us that basketball is a team sport.

Anyhow, I read the following article yesterday and meant to write about it, but didn't get the chance until today. It's actually quite an interesting article about ten life lessons one can learn from Jeremy Lin's experience ( I highly recommend you read the article, but I also list the ten life lessons, as mentioned in the article, just in case if the link ever stops working:

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.
2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up.
3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.
4. Find the system that works for your style.
5. Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.
6. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.
7. Stay humble.
8. When you make others around you look good, they will love you forever.
9. Never forget about the importance of luck or fate in life.
10. Work your butt off.

I found these ten lessons to be very inspirational and uplifting. I believe one goes through her/his own struggles, may it be professional or personal, from time to time and may need a little perspective to determine the right path to take. I thought that these ten lessons maybe helpful.

What do you think about these ten life lessons? Is there anything you would add or take off from the list?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wintery and Frosty

[Taken February 3, 2012.]

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.  This year I didn't do much, other than let those I care about know how much I care about him/her.  Yet, it was a much better Valentine's Day compared to last year.  I remember exactly what I was doing last year.

Last year, after working a full day, I finally packed up my last remaining items from my former house and drove with my brothers to my newer home.  As sad as it was to finally pick up the last of my items, because it was also the last time my Friend and I would share a home together, it also the first time I finally felt at home in my new home.  Despite the fact that I was residing in my new home for some time, that day was really the first day I finally felt as if I belonged in my new home.  I guess I had to close one door in order to open another.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day, regardless if you have a significant other or not.  At the very least, celebrate love, celebrate the love you have and receive from those important to you, and celebrate your love for life.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dusk and Moon

[Taken February 3, 2012.]

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So Tempting

As many of you have noticed (and it's not definitely limited to those living in Minnesota), winter has skipped much of the United States, with the exception of Alaska.  It has been a very warm winter.  Despite the groundhog seeing its shadow, thereby predicting six more weeks of winter, many are already looking forward to gardening and starting their little seedlings indoors.  I'm debating if I should even think about planning my garden, although it is so tempting.

I admit that I always start planning and planting my garden too late.  I think I’m just more of a pessimist about the weather in my neck of the woods.  I feel that if I plant too early outdoors, a late frost or early hail storm would kill of my little seedlings.  I also admit that half of my attempts of starting the seedlings indoors have not been successful because I keep on forgetting to water the seedlings on a consistent basis.  Thus, even if the little seeds sprout, I end up killing most off before I could even put it into the ground.

I love planning my garden, but then the act of planning leads me to want to actually start on "gardening" activities.  It's quite tempting.  Maybe the lazy side of me will overtake and squash any temptations I might have in starting my garden.  Yes, maybe I should try getting an early start this spring, but I still can't help but feel that I should try to talk myself out of it and try to plan and plant my garden next month.  Come on laziness, show your pretty little head.

Are you already thinking about your garden?

Monday, February 6, 2012

I Finally Did It

For the longest time, I've always wanted to try rock climbing, specifically indoor rock climbing (I'm a bit too scared to try outdoor rock climbing).  So, on Saturday afternoon I headed out with two co-workers to a place called Vertical Endeavors and finally rock climbed.  Other than paying for an entrance fee, I rented a harness and shoes.
We were there for approximately two hours where we rock climbed, using an automatic belay (where one is harnessed to a rope that helps one easily climb), and we also bouldered (where one scales and climbs the walls by one's self).  The whole experience was fun but I admit that at a certain points in some of my climbs and bouldering, I became afraid of heights (fyi, if that ever happens to you, I would tell you to take a big breath, don't look down, and just proceed).  Truthfully, I don't think we climbed for more than an hour and a half, but it was such a workout.  By the time I got home in the late afternoon, my body was so exhausted.  I showered and climbed into bed.  Before I knew it, I was asleep.  The next day, the back of my arms and my forearms were so sore.  Despite the three of us being very sore, we said we would try to do this a couple more times this year.  
I hope that you try indoor rock climbing because it's definitely quite an experience.  One word of caution, one doesn't have to be super fit to rock climb, but it definitely helps to be a little fit.  Have you rock climbed before?  Would you consider indoor rock climbing or how was your experience?

Thursday, February 2, 2012


In one of today's local newspaper, a columnist briefly wrote about an Afghan woman, who has been identified by the press as Storai, and stating how lucky we really are here in the United States.  What was very compelling about Storai was that the woman was killed by her husband and mother-in-law after she gave birth to the couple's third female child after already having given birth to two other female children.

What I took away from this column and the story in general is an acknowledgment of the privileges I have (and have had) as a woman because live in the United States.  I know that this country is still rife with inequalities and injustices.  At the same time, the preference for male children over female children is not limited to countries outside of the United States and is also found in this country.  Yet, I do acknowledge that I am lucky to have been able to live in the United States and to have certain privileges regardless of my gender (e.g. getting an education, being able to choose my occupation, being able to voice my opinion, etc.).  These "little" things are not so little in many other countries and can be deemed as a transgression against the country's government.

Storai's story is very unfortunate.  At the same time, her story raises some awareness of the plight many women continue to face.  Her story also reminds me that I should appreciate and not take for granted so many of the privileges I have that many don't have because they do not live in the United States.

Are you also lucky and in what way?

You can read the columnist's column at this website:
You can read more about Storai at this website:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mini Replicas of the Plain of Jars

[Fresno, CA.  Taken December 28, 2011.]