Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ten Lessons

I'm not much of a follower of professional basketball, but I know who Jeremy Lin is. Even if this kid is a "one-hit wonder," which I hope he's not, I don't really care. He's done so much in the last several weeks to make basketball exciting again and to remind us that basketball is a team sport.

Anyhow, I read the following article yesterday and meant to write about it, but didn't get the chance until today. It's actually quite an interesting article about ten life lessons one can learn from Jeremy Lin's experience ( I highly recommend you read the article, but I also list the ten life lessons, as mentioned in the article, just in case if the link ever stops working:

1. Believe in yourself when no one else does.
2. Seize the opportunity when it comes up.
3. Your family will always be there for you, so be there for them.
4. Find the system that works for your style.
5. Don’t overlook talent that might exist around you today on your team.
6. People will love you for being an original, not trying to be someone else.
7. Stay humble.
8. When you make others around you look good, they will love you forever.
9. Never forget about the importance of luck or fate in life.
10. Work your butt off.

I found these ten lessons to be very inspirational and uplifting. I believe one goes through her/his own struggles, may it be professional or personal, from time to time and may need a little perspective to determine the right path to take. I thought that these ten lessons maybe helpful.

What do you think about these ten life lessons? Is there anything you would add or take off from the list?


Anonymous said...

Jeremy Lin has brought life to the NBA, and he has excite many new fans across the country to follow Lintastic. Beside basketball, those life lessons are good to remind us that whatever happens to us. One must believe in yourself first when no else will! He has inspired me too. SS

Anonymous said...

That is amazing. I love watching this dude play.
