Tuesday, February 7, 2012

So Tempting

As many of you have noticed (and it's not definitely limited to those living in Minnesota), winter has skipped much of the United States, with the exception of Alaska.  It has been a very warm winter.  Despite the groundhog seeing its shadow, thereby predicting six more weeks of winter, many are already looking forward to gardening and starting their little seedlings indoors.  I'm debating if I should even think about planning my garden, although it is so tempting.

I admit that I always start planning and planting my garden too late.  I think I’m just more of a pessimist about the weather in my neck of the woods.  I feel that if I plant too early outdoors, a late frost or early hail storm would kill of my little seedlings.  I also admit that half of my attempts of starting the seedlings indoors have not been successful because I keep on forgetting to water the seedlings on a consistent basis.  Thus, even if the little seeds sprout, I end up killing most off before I could even put it into the ground.

I love planning my garden, but then the act of planning leads me to want to actually start on "gardening" activities.  It's quite tempting.  Maybe the lazy side of me will overtake and squash any temptations I might have in starting my garden.  Yes, maybe I should try getting an early start this spring, but I still can't help but feel that I should try to talk myself out of it and try to plan and plant my garden next month.  Come on laziness, show your pretty little head.

Are you already thinking about your garden?

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