Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Biggest Snowstorm This Winter?

Today's storm has been highly anticipated by many local meteorologists and Minnesotans since the middle of last week.  It has been touted as the biggest snowstorm to hit Minnesota this winter.  I even heard that certain parts were going to get at least sixteen inches of snow.  The storm was to start today and end by tomorrow afternoon.

Well, it started snowing early in the morning, tiny flurries barely covering the ground.  Then throughout the day it stopped, but continued snowing again.  When I left work late in the afternoon (the sun had already set by then), it was raining and sleeting.  My drive home was long and slow; yet, all I wanted to do was get home safe and sound.  Then as I got closer to home, the rain and sleet turned into big fluffy flakes coming down fast and furious.  I think at least a good inch of snow had already fallen by my home.

I'm hoping that the storm will have moved beyond my area tonight.  I'll let you all know tomorrow how things turn out.  Hope everyone has a safe and quiet night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you got home safe from work especially with this big storm coming your way. Keep us posted? SM