Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Day for Musing

I'm not in a blogging slump (thank goodness).  But I have been thinking about ways to post more substantive content on my blog.  With spring and summer right around the corner, I know I will be contributing more about my gardening adventures.  

Still, I was thinking about writing more non-gardening topics.  At the same time, one of the original intentions of this blog was for me to better my writing skills.  I have thought a lot about how I could do that and specifically write on random topics, with the hopes of being able to write and think on a whim.  So, I've been thinking of adding a day of musing to this blog.  As you can see, on the top right hand side of my blog, I have a quote of the day that changes on a daily basis.  Thus, I was thinking of using the quote of the day on Mondays (or whatever day I decide to institute this) as a basis for that day's blog topic.  I'm still trying to figure out what day may work best for me.  Like Wordless Wednesday, I may not always post, but I would try my best to post a musing on that day designated for musing.

Well, I'll think a little bit more about this.  I just need to consider what day of the week would work best so that I can fit in time to write on a consistent basis. 

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