Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day.  This year I didn't do much, other than let those I care about know how much I care about him/her.  Yet, it was a much better Valentine's Day compared to last year.  I remember exactly what I was doing last year.

Last year, after working a full day, I finally packed up my last remaining items from my former house and drove with my brothers to my newer home.  As sad as it was to finally pick up the last of my items, because it was also the last time my Friend and I would share a home together, it also the first time I finally felt at home in my new home.  Despite the fact that I was residing in my new home for some time, that day was really the first day I finally felt as if I belonged in my new home.  I guess I had to close one door in order to open another.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day, regardless if you have a significant other or not.  At the very least, celebrate love, celebrate the love you have and receive from those important to you, and celebrate your love for life.


c said...

Home is where the heart. And it looks like your heart has found a good place, especially on Valentines day.

Anonymous said...

You never mention why this year's Valentine Day was better then last year?

My Favorite Things said...

c, thanks for your sweet comment.

Anonymous, this Valentine's was much better than last year because I knew I had a home to go to, I knew where I belonged, and my heart wasn't breaking into pieces. Last year, my heart was all over the place and I couldn't find all of it to piece it back together (no matter how hard I tried).