Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Like most people, I count those that I love as blessings. Like most people, I also forget to tell those most important to me that I love them. Although not everyone I know reads this blog, I do want to at least put it out in the world (in writing) that I am so happy to have these people in my life.

I love my parents. I may not see them or talk to them enough, but I know that my life is not empty right now because they both are still a part of it. I love all of my siblings. I think our bonds to one another is unique (especially within our culture) and I hope that it only strengthen and grow with time. I love all of my very close friends (seriously, I can count how many there are on one of my hand). They each continue to enrich my life and offered so much advice/love/support that I don't ever know how to repay the kindness. Lastly, I love those who have touched my life in ways that I didn't know was possible, may it be from the last several months to the last eight years.

To you all, I love you very much and thank you so much for being a part of my life. Have you told those close to you that you love them and how much they mean to you?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Self Portrait for a Profile Picture

[Federal Courthouse, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Taken November 16, 2011.]

Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Snowfall

Yesterday was the first day of snow (actual snow, not flurries) for many Minnesotans. I think my area got no more than two inches. I opted to stay home and chose not to go out at all. I had a feeling that the roads were going to be slippery and the drivers were going to be crazy.

For some reason, the first snowfall of the year (regardless of how much snow there actually is) always bring out the crazy in Minnesotans. After the first snowfall, many eventually learn to handle the roads better and are just more cautious. Just a warning for non-Minnesotans that complain about how slow Minnesota drivers are, you don't know how slow Minnesotan drivers can be until you've seen one drive on the snowy and on slippery roads.

I did venture out today to go get groceries and a donut (I just wanted something sweet and full of carbs to take my mind off the cold). I also got some needed exercise by shoveling the sidewalk to my entryway and a little bit of my driveway.

Wherever you are, stay safe and warm.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Reupholstery Project 1

I told myself that I will start my first project of the winter season and finally begin the process to reupholster my first chair (remember that it also has a twin). For this project, I've decided to start with the chairs that my sister purchased for me. Not only because I've had them for the longest time, but also because (as stated in a comment) it may be the easiest.

I will start on the other pair of chairs, which also need some loving too, when I'm done upholstering this set. I'm hoping that I will begin work on this chair this winter and finish it by the spring. Lets see what happens. I am afraid that the work might get pushed aside when my life gets hectic again.

I also found some fabric that would be really great for these chairs. I thought the fabric might also go well with the blue/chrome chairs (just in case if I decide to keep those chairs covered in dark blue). The fabric is called "Fitzy Indigo," and I love this fabric's dark blue background and all of the colorful dots and circles. I found the fabric to be so mod looking. I originally was going to use it as a wall hanging, but as my endeavor to start my Reupholstery Project 1 gained some steam, I thought the fabric would work great as a chair covering. By the way, the fabric is upholstery fabric and was originally intended to be used in upholstery projects. [Just a tip for those who have never reupholstered anything, if you are going to reupholster something, I highly recommend finding and using upholstery fabric, especially if you don't intend to change out the fabric again soon.]

Hopefully I'll keep you all updated on the progress I may or may not be making. Do you think "Fitzy Indigo" would match these chairs?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You and Me (Three Points of View)

[Federal Courthouse, Minneapolis, Minnesota]

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reupholster Project(s)

A little over a year ago, when my sister came to visit me, we came across a pair of matching chairs at a retro store. She was kind enough to purchase the chairs and gift the chairs to me. I love the style of the chairs and I have always intended to reupholster the chairs.

Well, a year later, I still have not yet reupholstered the chairs, although I've purchased books and read several DIY posts online about reupholstering chairs. I'm telling myself that I need to reupholster these chairs soon. I think I've just put it off because I'm afraid of starting the project, taking the chairs apart and then failing to get back to the project for a couple of months (maybe even years). I will admit that my home, my job, and my other hobbies all keep me quite busy.

Yet, I'm telling myself that I really need to get started and to follow through. Why am I telling myself that I need to get this project started? Well, I've picked up two more chairs for another reupholster project. Earlier in the summer, my workplace was getting rid of a pair of blue chairs to make room for newer furniture. I loved the chairs' style and design. So I brought these two chairs home, also with the intent to reupholster the chairs. Well, now I have two pairs of chairs in my garage, waiting for me to do something . . . anything.

So, I'm telling myself that I will begin working on my chairs. Now that I think about it, I need to clear a space somewhere in my garage to start the work. Hmmmm . . . where am I going to clear out some space? I hope it doesn't derail my intentions to start my project. If you have any ideas or pointers to reupholster chairs, let me know.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I often try to be upbeat and positive in my posts. In fact, I intentionally kept this space upbeat and positive so that I can come back and relive the happiness at a later time (strange, right?). Even when I'm feeling down and sad, I try to be hopeful in this blog.

Yet, today's post is not meant to be happy. I will try to be hopeful, but it's not easy. What is causing me to be in such an unhappy mood? Why, the Penn State sexual scandal, of course. I am so disgusted at what has been coming out in the media and I cannot believe that certain men in power at that college have been protecting a child predator, who has been sexually abusing disadvantaged youths that he was supposed to be helping, for the last fifteen-plus years. I am so angry, so appalled, so outraged, so disgusted, and at the same time so sad. I'm so sad for the victims and the plight that they had to endure. I'm so sad that the victims weren't protected. I'm so sad that they weren't believed. I'm so sad that they lost their youth and their innocence. I'm just so sad for them. I really don't know what else to say. Maybe we should send a prayer to our own Gods and ask for help to be sent to all abused children in the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The House of Flying Daggers

[Photo source:]

The last several months, although not as of late, I've been watching the movie, "The House of Flying Daggers." I love this movie, and I mean LOVE. The movie came out in 2004 and stars Takeshi Kaneshiro, Zhang Ziyi, and Andy Lau. I cannot wax enough about this movie and I just had to write about how much I LOVE this movie.

The story appears to be quite simple and concerns the relationships between the characters ,as played by the three main actors. I didn't fully understand the complexity of the story until I watched the movie a couple of times. The characters were playing dual roles in the movie trying to deceive one each other in one way or another that it lead to so many different meanings to the character's speech and gestures. I love watching this movie just to see the nuances and deciphering the speech and gestures and determining the true meaning of each.

[Photo source:]

I also love the cinematography. I love the strong colors and how the scenery fills up the entire screen. I also LOVE Takeshi Kaneshiro. That man is just too HAWT and is awesome eye candy. Even if the film wasn't all that great, I would just watch so I can stare all googly-eyed at him.

Lastly, I love the love story that develops between the characters played by Takeshi Kaneshiro and Zhang Ziyi. I will be the first to admit that I am not a romantic, but I can understand how one can fall in love with another person so quickly and be willing to risk all that one has just to be happy with that person. Okay, so writing this post made me miss this movie. I think I'm going to have to watch this movie this weekend. I love this movie so much.

Have you seen this movie? What aspect of this movie do you like the most? Do you love this movie as much as me?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Broken, But Still Cute

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Midtown Writers Meetup Group

Last last month I decided that I should put into action what I've been wanting to do, to write more creatively. Yes, I barely write and post on this blog, but I really wanted to force myself to write more creative pieces (and the whole purpose of this blog is to improve my writing and to share with friends and family). So last month I participated in the Midtown Writers Meetup Group ("MWMG").

The MWMG meets on a weekly basis for a couple of hours. There are no requirements to going, other than bringing a pen, paper and writing. More information of the group can be found at the following website:

I had a lot of fun at my first MWMG. It appears that many of the participants were easy going and really open minded. There was enough interaction among the participants but at the same time, there wasn't any pressure for the participants to have to share and be "friends." I just loved going there with the intent of being able to write and be creative. It was different because some of the writing topics were subjects I would've never thought of writing, at the same time I really enjoyed the challenge of coming up with a story (even a very short one) right on the spot. I don't know why it has taken me forever to come across this writers group. At the very least, I will make it a goal to try attending as many meetings as possible, although I am conscious that the forthcoming wintry roads may be an obstacle to meeting that goal. Lets see what this winter brings.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Remembering Kaus Vwj

Dia de los Muertos (in English it translate to "Day of the Dead") is usually celebrated on November 1st and/or November 2nd (you can read more about this holiday at the following website: It's a holiday often celebrated in Mexico, in which many gather together to celebrate and remember those that have passed. It's considered a very joyous holiday.

I'm a little bit late in celebrating Dia de los Muertos. I'm very sorry. Yet, at the same time, I don't think it's ever too late to celebrate and remember those that have already passed. So, for today, I will share and remember my brother in my own way. This is will be the first time I have ever written anything about my brother. I also hope that if any of my siblings get a chance to read this post, they too will reflect back on our brother.

As some of you may know, my brother took his own life several years ago. I think that the way he ended his life was very violent, yet at the same time it indicated how much he did not want to be a part of this world. He was so young (and many would say that he was quite handsome). In retrospect, I can only speculate as to why he took his life. I have always loved my brother. As he grew older, I found it harder to love my brother, but I continued to love him. I can truthfully say that I did not like my brother as an adult because I found him to be very difficult, and "difficult" is an understatement. Yet, I can truthfully say that I loved him.
My brother passed away during the summer, right when I was to return to graduate school. When I returned to school, I was far away from my family and didn't have any immediate family members near me. I had a pretty hard time, emotionally and spiritually, readjusting to school. To say the very least, I was very very sad. I then came across this quilting book, Come Listen to my Quilt by Kristina Becker. It really inspired me to channel my sadness about my brother into a quilted wall hanging. I finally finished my wall hanging earlier in the year and overall I found the process to be very cathartic. It contains many symbols and has lots of meaning. When I look at it, it doesn't make me sad, but reminds me of my brother and my family. My brother's death does remind me that I really need to tell those who are here that I love them a lot (not just think it) and to spend as much of my time with them.

Hope you spend your own time, loving not only those who have passed but also those that are still here with you.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


I think I caught the stomach flu or may have even gotten food poisoning. I don't know what it is that I have, but I have not been feeling well for the entire week. It sounds as if a Royal Rumble is going on in the pit of my stomach. At the same time, noises are coming out from areas of my midsection that I didn't even know was capable of making noise. This is the first for me, so I really don't know how to deal with it. I probably should just go see a doctor, but I feel as if the worst is over and I'm just recovering.

I've just been sleeping, drinking liquids, and barely eating. I'm not that hungry, but I guess it doesn't hurt to put some food inside of me. I am hoping to feel better soon and I am trying my best to recover sooner than later. I hope I feel better by Saturday because I really want to participate in this writer's group that meets every weekend. I'll write more about this group at a later time, but I really am looking forward to participating this Saturday.