Thursday, November 24, 2011


Like most people, I count those that I love as blessings. Like most people, I also forget to tell those most important to me that I love them. Although not everyone I know reads this blog, I do want to at least put it out in the world (in writing) that I am so happy to have these people in my life.

I love my parents. I may not see them or talk to them enough, but I know that my life is not empty right now because they both are still a part of it. I love all of my siblings. I think our bonds to one another is unique (especially within our culture) and I hope that it only strengthen and grow with time. I love all of my very close friends (seriously, I can count how many there are on one of my hand). They each continue to enrich my life and offered so much advice/love/support that I don't ever know how to repay the kindness. Lastly, I love those who have touched my life in ways that I didn't know was possible, may it be from the last several months to the last eight years.

To you all, I love you very much and thank you so much for being a part of my life. Have you told those close to you that you love them and how much they mean to you?


Anonymous said...

Sometime we do forget to tell those we love the most until something happens to us like a crisis; accidents or near death experiences. I don't know what culture or your background you are from but its no difference where you are from. We get to caught up with our own life without remembering to say the simple word of "I Love You" to those who have enrich our life and our love ones. I try to say it as much as I can. Ted

My Favorite Things said...

Ted, your words ring very true. I should learn to say "I Love You" as of as I can.