Thursday, November 10, 2011

The House of Flying Daggers

[Photo source:]

The last several months, although not as of late, I've been watching the movie, "The House of Flying Daggers." I love this movie, and I mean LOVE. The movie came out in 2004 and stars Takeshi Kaneshiro, Zhang Ziyi, and Andy Lau. I cannot wax enough about this movie and I just had to write about how much I LOVE this movie.

The story appears to be quite simple and concerns the relationships between the characters ,as played by the three main actors. I didn't fully understand the complexity of the story until I watched the movie a couple of times. The characters were playing dual roles in the movie trying to deceive one each other in one way or another that it lead to so many different meanings to the character's speech and gestures. I love watching this movie just to see the nuances and deciphering the speech and gestures and determining the true meaning of each.

[Photo source:]

I also love the cinematography. I love the strong colors and how the scenery fills up the entire screen. I also LOVE Takeshi Kaneshiro. That man is just too HAWT and is awesome eye candy. Even if the film wasn't all that great, I would just watch so I can stare all googly-eyed at him.

Lastly, I love the love story that develops between the characters played by Takeshi Kaneshiro and Zhang Ziyi. I will be the first to admit that I am not a romantic, but I can understand how one can fall in love with another person so quickly and be willing to risk all that one has just to be happy with that person. Okay, so writing this post made me miss this movie. I think I'm going to have to watch this movie this weekend. I love this movie so much.

Have you seen this movie? What aspect of this movie do you like the most? Do you love this movie as much as me?


Anonymous said...

Such a great movie invloving martial arts action-drama with a tragic romance with those actor Jin and Mei. How Jin falls in love with Mei and doesn't want to betray her. I like the cinematography as well, really nice shots. SS

My Favorite Things said...

SS, yes, it is a tragic romance. I really do love this movie.