Sunday, November 20, 2011

First Snowfall

Yesterday was the first day of snow (actual snow, not flurries) for many Minnesotans. I think my area got no more than two inches. I opted to stay home and chose not to go out at all. I had a feeling that the roads were going to be slippery and the drivers were going to be crazy.

For some reason, the first snowfall of the year (regardless of how much snow there actually is) always bring out the crazy in Minnesotans. After the first snowfall, many eventually learn to handle the roads better and are just more cautious. Just a warning for non-Minnesotans that complain about how slow Minnesota drivers are, you don't know how slow Minnesotan drivers can be until you've seen one drive on the snowy and on slippery roads.

I did venture out today to go get groceries and a donut (I just wanted something sweet and full of carbs to take my mind off the cold). I also got some needed exercise by shoveling the sidewalk to my entryway and a little bit of my driveway.

Wherever you are, stay safe and warm.


Anonymous said...

I think in most places when extreme weather condition is about to change everyone thinks the change will not effect their driving and road condition is the same. Especially in Cali when we get a lots of rains for the first time, causing the roads to be slippery, and we still drive super fast causing accidents when a sudden stop or lane change and causing slipping due to loss of tire traction.

Its good that you stayed home and safe from these careless drivers. Cali

Anonymous said...

The thought of snow just want me to go inside the house to have a hot cup of soup or coffee w/donut to keep me warm.

My Favorite Things said...

Coffee and donuts, now that sounds good!!!