Sunday, January 31, 2016

Being Content

The other night I was having dinner with a good friend and we were discussing our lives and the stages in which we were finding ourselves in.  I told her that several weeks, maybe months ago, I had finally come to the stage of contentment.  I am content with my life.

Now, some people may associate being "content" with being complacent and settling.  I admit that I once too thought that being content meant one wasn't trying as hard as she could to get what she wanted, and she was settling for whatever came her way.  Through self reflection, I've realized that being content has a whole different meaning.

I now realize that being content has a positive meaning, and can mean I am in the present and am enjoying my current life.  I've lived so much of my life planning/worrying about the future or regretting/thinking about the past that I've had a really hard time just being in the present and appreciating my life.  I've made a conscious effort in 2013 and 2014 to be more present, and I don't think that I've finally felt the effects of it until November or December of 2015.  I admit, it was so hard for me to be present.  Yet, once I started, it brought me a lot of happiness and appreciation for the life I have.  I do recognize that there are areas I'd like to work on, but overall, I'm content with my life.

If you're interested in some ways to be more present, you can go here or here.  Really, all you need to do is Google the words "ways to be present" and a lot of helpful articles and websites will come up.

How are you doing?  Are you content with your life?

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Spring-like Winter

Unlike the Northeastern states (where several feet of snow was dumped on them) or the Pacific Northwest (where it's raining very hard), my neck of the woods have seen little snow and very little precipitation this winter.  The last several weeks have been very very cold, finally getting into the teens and below zero.  Then today and for this upcoming week, the temperature is suppose to be in the 20's and 30's.  To others, those are cold temperatures.  For many Minnesotans, it's spring like weather. 

I'm hoping that if we do finally get more cold and snow this weather, it will come in early March and late April, and maybe early May (yes, it's possible to still have snow in May in Minnesota).  To pass the time, I've been busy trying to clean house, redecorate, and throw away/give away things I no longer need.  I've been finally trying to develop new habits and work on some self reflection, journaling, and hopefully some more yoga.

How are you doing?  

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Giant Snow Octopus

[New Brighton, MN]

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Pillow Covers

I started working on a red and white cross blanket last month (I'm almost done sewing the quilt top).  I also wanted to make matching throw pillows to go with the blanket.  What I eventually made in the end were semi-matching pillows, in which I reversed the cross and background colors for my pillow (my blanket has red crosses and a white background).  I used the same white fabric to make the cross, but a different red fabric for the background.

For the pillow forms, I found two cheap and ugly pillows at the thrift store (two for $2.99).  The red fabric are actually 100% cotton napkins (six napkins for $3.98), also from the thrift store.  I made the white crosses and then hand appliqued the crosses to the cotton napkins.  I sewed the napkins together along with a zipper on one side so I can take the cover on and off the pillow for easier cleaning.  Overall, I think I made each pillow for under $4.00, and the most expensive piece on the pillow is the zipper.

I'm really happy with the outcome.  I'm a bit of a perfectionist and the pillow doesn't look 100% perfect, but I'm okay with it because the pillow has character and looks great on my couch.  My Mr. Man has concerns that he might dirty up the white parts of the pillow.  Of course I told him to not use it (just kidding), but that's why I added the zipper feature to the pillow cover.  He's also so proud that I've actually gotten a sewing project done (especially in such a shorter time period).  Now, I just need to finish my quilt.

This website has really good instructions on how to sew zippered throw pillows.  (FYI, even if you don't have a sewing machine, you can still hand sew the zipper onto the pillow cover, and the instructions are still helpful and the best method to sew a zippered throw pillow.)

Do you have any projects that you've finished up?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Becoming 2016

Happy New Year!

2015 was an explosion of great things.  So much happened and time flew by so fast that now, I can't believe it's 2016.  This year, I choose the word "becoming" to guide me.  (If you want the back story, go here.)

A came upon this word about two months ago and I think it perfectly complements the new energies of 2016.  (I love reading this blogger's writing and her predictions for 2016.)  Two months ago, when I came across the word "becoming," I knew that 2016 will be special.  I really truly believe that what I do in 2016, the energies I invest in 2016, will set me up for the future years in my life.  2016 will be a year of laying groundwork for what is to come.  I will be transitioning, becoming something that I currently am not.

Professionally, I'm heading towards something bigger and better.  Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what I'm heading towards, but I know it's better than where I'm at right now.  I do know I will do something much more meaningful to me, much more fulfilling, and hopefully that makes me even happier.  I also know that the first steps I need to make include doing more self work and dreaming big dreams so that I can pinpoint what I want to do professionally.

In my personal life, I'm still on the adventures that I've put into motion in 2015.  New roles will be put onto me and I will definitely become something I was not.  It will be a scary experience, but also the most rewarding.

As the year passes, I will continue to think of ways I can become what I want to be (whatever that means at that time.)  This year, I'm okay with being patient and setting the groundwork for what is to come.  I will learn to "become" my future self.

Do you have any New Year's resolution or guiding word for the New Year?  (I also came across this article, which talks about a new year's mantra.)  Have a wonderful day and an even better 2016!