Sunday, January 24, 2016

Spring-like Winter

Unlike the Northeastern states (where several feet of snow was dumped on them) or the Pacific Northwest (where it's raining very hard), my neck of the woods have seen little snow and very little precipitation this winter.  The last several weeks have been very very cold, finally getting into the teens and below zero.  Then today and for this upcoming week, the temperature is suppose to be in the 20's and 30's.  To others, those are cold temperatures.  For many Minnesotans, it's spring like weather. 

I'm hoping that if we do finally get more cold and snow this weather, it will come in early March and late April, and maybe early May (yes, it's possible to still have snow in May in Minnesota).  To pass the time, I've been busy trying to clean house, redecorate, and throw away/give away things I no longer need.  I've been finally trying to develop new habits and work on some self reflection, journaling, and hopefully some more yoga.

How are you doing?  

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