Sunday, January 31, 2016

Being Content

The other night I was having dinner with a good friend and we were discussing our lives and the stages in which we were finding ourselves in.  I told her that several weeks, maybe months ago, I had finally come to the stage of contentment.  I am content with my life.

Now, some people may associate being "content" with being complacent and settling.  I admit that I once too thought that being content meant one wasn't trying as hard as she could to get what she wanted, and she was settling for whatever came her way.  Through self reflection, I've realized that being content has a whole different meaning.

I now realize that being content has a positive meaning, and can mean I am in the present and am enjoying my current life.  I've lived so much of my life planning/worrying about the future or regretting/thinking about the past that I've had a really hard time just being in the present and appreciating my life.  I've made a conscious effort in 2013 and 2014 to be more present, and I don't think that I've finally felt the effects of it until November or December of 2015.  I admit, it was so hard for me to be present.  Yet, once I started, it brought me a lot of happiness and appreciation for the life I have.  I do recognize that there are areas I'd like to work on, but overall, I'm content with my life.

If you're interested in some ways to be more present, you can go here or here.  Really, all you need to do is Google the words "ways to be present" and a lot of helpful articles and websites will come up.

How are you doing?  Are you content with your life?


Anonymous said...

I have follow your blog for awhile now... It's always a pleasure reading your stories and seeing that you are content with your life that makes me happy for you. It's a great way to finding inner peace with oneself.

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you, Anonymous. I hope you are content and happy with your life too. I'm trying to learn from all of my mistakes and the most I can do is live the life that I have. Come back and keep reading my blog.