Friday, January 1, 2016

Becoming 2016

Happy New Year!

2015 was an explosion of great things.  So much happened and time flew by so fast that now, I can't believe it's 2016.  This year, I choose the word "becoming" to guide me.  (If you want the back story, go here.)

A came upon this word about two months ago and I think it perfectly complements the new energies of 2016.  (I love reading this blogger's writing and her predictions for 2016.)  Two months ago, when I came across the word "becoming," I knew that 2016 will be special.  I really truly believe that what I do in 2016, the energies I invest in 2016, will set me up for the future years in my life.  2016 will be a year of laying groundwork for what is to come.  I will be transitioning, becoming something that I currently am not.

Professionally, I'm heading towards something bigger and better.  Unfortunately, I don't know exactly what I'm heading towards, but I know it's better than where I'm at right now.  I do know I will do something much more meaningful to me, much more fulfilling, and hopefully that makes me even happier.  I also know that the first steps I need to make include doing more self work and dreaming big dreams so that I can pinpoint what I want to do professionally.

In my personal life, I'm still on the adventures that I've put into motion in 2015.  New roles will be put onto me and I will definitely become something I was not.  It will be a scary experience, but also the most rewarding.

As the year passes, I will continue to think of ways I can become what I want to be (whatever that means at that time.)  This year, I'm okay with being patient and setting the groundwork for what is to come.  I will learn to "become" my future self.

Do you have any New Year's resolution or guiding word for the New Year?  (I also came across this article, which talks about a new year's mantra.)  Have a wonderful day and an even better 2016!

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