Monday, December 28, 2015

A Reflection of Adventure in 2015

At the beginning of 2015, I told myself I would spend the year having an adventure.  In 2014, I told myself that I would be brave, which I did, but at the end of 2014 I didn't spend too much time reflecting about the many ways I was brave during the 2014 year.  This year, I wanted to reflect a little bit more about my chosen word because I realize that sometimes, blogging is the only way I get to put some of my thoughts in writing.

This year, I really opened myself up for adventure.  I kept an open mind, and when I felt fearful or panicky about an adventure, I reminded myself that I would be okay or I just needed to have faith. This year, I made the big jump to be united with Mr. Man.  I was so resistant for so long, but once I made the decision, I didn't look back.  I knew that this would be a long term adventure and I'm still learning so much about him and me.

I also had an adventure going to Florida and Puerto Rico in July (it was the first time I've ever been to either places).  I paraglided for the first time (although I would prefer jumping out of an airplane), went to the Everglades, swam in the Atlantic Ocean, and taught myself night photography.

In July, I also embarked on another long term adventure.  This adventure, I am learning to finally appreciate the process.  There are stages that I'm glad are over with, but right now, I'm enjoying the time I have while on this adventure.  Before I know it, one stage of this adventure will end and another will begin.

I've also allowed myself to dream about having adventures outside of the everyday life I'm living and to even think that I could move beyond my current profession.  Even though it's more dreaming than substantive, it's just as important and helps to create a foundation to something more.

I've had quite a year.  What about you?  How was your 2015?

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